Rulers of Evil, Secret Societies, Freemasons... by Walter Veith & The Te...
I think much that had to be said about not just Freemasonry but not least about the Jesuits and the destructive role the Vaticans has and is playing around the world was talked about in detail here, I also have talked little about the role of the Jesuits and the Shia molla regime in Iran and not in Iraq with Ali Sistani how they are connected with the Vatican, if you have not noticed it every time the Pope hold interfaith meeting with representatives of different religions the Pope always have a Shia cleric close next to him, I have said and I say it again, the Shia mollas all of them are agents of the Vatican no doubt about that, I also have talked about how some higher up Shias do see Satan as the highest ranked angel there is, all this nonsense comes not only from the Talmud the Zohar, its didnt origin with the Jews, the Jews were only one of the worst who put it down in words in a text in a book but all this crap came long before the Jews, I also believe it like Albert Pike said came before the Flood, so its old crap all of this what has happened now again is it has become a global pandemic once again with these Luciferians trying revive their Atlantis again, all this crap aside, I think the world is in need of a new Hannibal to deal with these people once and for all, I personally would cheer for him when he arrives because we desperately need him, as you heard in the video here, the KGB the CIA all of them were created by these same people, by the Freemasons, I think these world leaders are playing games with is all, I think they all are in cahoots with each other and the rest of us are powns or let me say it like this, they are more in cahoots with each other than with the naive masses who follows them in these games, they are more loyal to themselves to their Luciferian cults than to the dumb masses who give up their lives for them, I say it again I mean it, we need a new Hannibal to deal with Rome, all of Rome this global Rome.
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