The poor children of Manchester went to see Ariana Grande and left in pi...

My thoughts exactly, the Global Zionist Jihad now have their own state, finally the Zionists finally established this Al Qaeda (the base) "Islamic" state with the help of European countries and these Arab dictatorships, now the Zionists have two permanent aircraft carriers two (military base) stationed firmly in the Middle East, first the Zionist entity then its little sister Al Qaeda entity with these other crypto Arab dictator entities, I'll be waiting to see these Salafis these "the purest of the Muslims" will ban usury or not, or will they sell out Syria on auctions for penny on the dollar, I dont think we have seen the best of these Sunni Salafis yet, now that they have their own state with borders and with the US who was first back in 1948 to recognized this Zionist imposter Luciferian entity in the Holy Land was once again the first one to recognize its little sister in 2024, now as George said all the Salafis can vacation in these second Zionist base in the Middle East, train to first behead chickens then work themselves up to human beings after that freely go back and blow up concerts where kids are gathered all over the world and do whatever the hell they want, I say it again, we have seen nothing yet, in a year or two you will have chaos with these Salafis in the west in the east everywhere and you know who to blame then I hope, what institutions what mainstream channels which politicians all these people you have to held accountable not least the Zionist movement and all its agents, look these Zionists they cant help themselves, they will mess up everything and whatever backup plan they have in their minds will backfire at them and as I said yesterday, they will cause the collapse of the dollar and the US along with it, you can already see where this is going, the whole world openly despises these Zionists yet they cant help themselves they keep on by shooting themselves in the foot and the only reason they have been able to keep standing is the US dollar, when they have depleted that one too then its over for them, why the American people are allowing these Zionist to do this to their country well there are theories around that but a more detailed explanation will be left for the future historians to put down in writing.
