A Conversation with Javad Zarif Vice President for Strategic Affairs of ...

Here is now I see it and if I am not wrong I think I am right, I do believe I am right in what I am about to share here I believe I am right because I have bet much on this, so what is this thing I think I am right about, I think I am right when I say, you can gather all your intellectuals all around the world to offer their analysis on why this or that event ended up the way it did, and often times you also share your solution to the issues you yourself created, but both sides cannot be right, in my opinion both sides are wrong, now what do I base my argument on, this is the thing I have bet much on so you better believe when I say I do believe in what I am basing my argument on, I believe you can like these Freemasons, these elites of mankind, these with secret knowledge of what the word motherfuckerism really deeply means, these the best to pick from you can put your bet on to solve the problems again they themselves created, I still havent said what I believe which I am about to do right now, I believe if you if we do not have the blessing of God it doesnt matter how many of these corrupt paid off politicians you bring on can ever solve anything, because look at what they represent, really take a closer look and I promise you all, the deeper you look the more convinced you will become why these people are absolutely hopeless, hopeless is not the correct word to use here, I should have said something in line with deceptive, because conspire in the dark how to waste your time while they advancing their own corruption is the dark energy these all of them Freemasons which Zarif is a member of too run on, to prove the fact that my argument why these you see are the worst ones you can bet on is in the pudding, so what do they all have incommon, they are all parts of secret societies, all Freemasons, highly educated very well connected the best out of the gates of Freemasonry they have to offer humanity and as I said if you take a look of what dark corrupt forces behind them and you still think they can offer solutions to the problems they created, the reason they are a waste of time is as I said they long ago sold out to the dark side, you know what God said on matters these hypocrites hide behind, He said He ONLY accepts ones repentance if you absolutely make sure you dont repeat your previous mistakes, otherwise what is the meaning of repentance if you are going to repeat it over and over again, if you share the idea of these hypocrites what you are actually doing is to directly offend the Lord, because something He or even you dont like is for someone to take your kindness for granted, then the person dont have any respect for you, and this is what these Shias not only the Shias but many others make this mistake, I say this because I know how people like Zarif a Freemason at the same time I know he fast he prays but what goes on inside of him is a mystery because Freemasonry and being a God fearing person is simply not comparable, like water and oil, it is sheer hypocrisy on their behalf, look the American politicians kept their mouths shut when the Zionists brought down the Twin Towers and the rest of it, ritually sacrificed thousands of their own citizens, the Shia mollas on early basis murder street demonstrators in at least the hundreds, do you see or hear any of their respected politicians elected officials ever ask why these deep staters like Zarif and his colleagues from other parts of the world ever raise these questions, no you have not, instead what they offer you is phony debates on how to solve the problems they have caused and still backing and this is the worst part, they still back the same types of corrupt evil practices they were behind yesterday, ohh there is actually an even worst aspect of this, that is YOU are still supporting them giving legitimacy to these highly corrupt and evil hypocrites and the institutions they stand for, so who is the real problem here, these very few criminals of you the masses who cannot get enough of them taking away your rights, I think the answer is clear, YOU are the bigger problem than these little men and women, these human devils.
