A Priest from Ballylongford talks about the 3rd Secret of Fatima. (abrid...
You folks need to understand why I am so pissed off at these Freemasonic Shia mollas and Freemasons in general, these Freemasonic Shia mollas are going around spreading falsehood that and I am NOT kidding with you, they are saying amongst themselves and others that I am again I am NOT kidding with you, that I am the son of the devil, they are saying I am a disbeliever, you might think I am exaggerating with you I am not, there is a devil worshiping satanic Shia cult inside the Iranian Shia molla secret services which is connected to other foreign secret services these low life child molesters all in cahoots with each other with nothing better to do than spread rumors like this, the thing all these secret services have in common is the fact that they are all Freemasons, this they all have in common, they are all Jesuit controlled, now when you hear father Malachi a former Jesuit himself a former adviser to the Pope cant get more of an insider than that when you hear him tell you whats said in the Third Secret of Fatima that Satan is running the show globally what he is saying is, Satan is running the show through the satanic Freemasonic death cult which I have proven all your world leaders all your politicians are more or less a follower a member of.
If you are familiar with the dancing sun in Portugal with the three sheppard kids which thousands of people witnessed that dancing sun was not the actual sun, it was the round spherical ball of lighting which have been observed taken pictures of even videos of is the one I saw out in the Atlantic close to the US east coast while sailing, it came for me too, I was staring at it for just under fifteen minutes myself, the one I saw was static didnt move and it was HUGE, enormous, what happened around that time I will keep to myself what I am telling you, its real, thats what the folks in Fatima in Portugal also saw, and if you are more familiar with the story the local Freemasons threatened the three kids to harm them if they revealed about what they saw first time the dancing sun came to them, when the kids were not shutting up despite the threats from the Freemasons they even threatened to boil them alive the little kids but when they were undeterred the Freemasons were forced to let them go and soon after the dancing sun came for the whole town of Fatima for all to see it to believe the kids of what was revealed to them and part of the secret you heard here, the core of the secret is that, Satan the Devil will take charge of all worldly institutions and incite the rules to wage war in hope of killing of as many humans as possible, very much like what the Zionists these Synagog of Satans seek to achieve by killing as many Palestinians in the Holy Land as they can, the goal is nothing less than killing as many as possible, its a numbers game for the Devil and his human devils, then you have these phony highly morally corrupt peace makers too which are wolves in sheeps clothing, I say it again the main point of this revelation in the third secret is that the Devil is in charge of all institutions through Freemasonic human devils, same human devils who are telling people I am bad, haaa, what a bunch of losers, the good thing is the world is waking up but not fast enough, which is expected people are easily distracted and will pay for its sins, I am telling you folks, if you want to be a God fearing Jew Christian Muslim your best chance is to be so outside any of these organized religions, stay away from all of them as far as you can, they all have been infiltrated by the Jesuits by the Freemasons look folks these human devils come in many different names and forms, my point is anything organised in terms of faith based I am telling you are better you are safer on your own, God will guide you He sees and is aware of it all, unlike what the Talmud and Kabala is teaching the main the go to texts of the Freemasons, the enemies of God makes them the enemy of humanity which makes them the enemy of me and you, they all can go to Hell, rat bastards :)
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