American Illuminati -The Final Countdown (2020) [Documentary] 🏦 Unveilin...

When you hear them Illuminatis Luciferians call them what you want but when you hear them say god is speaking through them just so you understand they are actually meaning Satan is speaking through them, through their work, its all satanic, this is why the Holy Quran ended with warning against the Devil and the human devils which are these Illuminatis all these secret societies, they are secret because thats what the Devil is, in hiding, in the shadows outside light, this is his and their characteristics because no good deed is done in secret, its done in the light to benefit all, these human devils they do things in the dark in order to be successful in their corruption, and what a corrupt world they all have created, listen foks, only a dark soul gets attracted to these secret societies, Jesus spoke in clear words and used parables in also clear worlds to give examples the concepts he was trying to make people understand and what these human devils are doing is what the devils always do, to reverse the meaning of the message or anything else for that matter, I say it again, no corrupt soul gets attracted to these esoteric teachings, here is the meaning of life, I will tell you its very simple, we were placed here in this prison planet for a short while, we live for a short while, in this short stay we are meant to do a very few simple things, in very simple words, not to corrupt our souls and not to corrupt this habitat we were allowed to stay in, thats basically all we have to do, now tell me is this what these satanic secret societies are also teaching, are they not making everything complicated for themselves and for others, are they all not corrupting both their own souls and the world around them, in other words are they not confused, I say these fools these human devils are most confused, they have drifted off so far they are so confused of where they are they have lost touch with how to get back where they started back home, thats what they are, they are not illuminated in any way, they are more like sailors in a raft drifting under the scorching sun delusional hallucinating talking gibberish, God warned about these people and not to follow them, but where is there to listen, because it seems everything corrupt these human devils introduce in society these glorified apes take after and go with it, crypto is one of these things, if I were you I would rather have starved to death I would rather have begged for food I would rather have got shot to death before I would have touched that, but thats just me, you do yours me and those heeding what I am saying we do ours.     
