Are the Freemasons Christian?

The Jews are or have been form the get go from the early days a lost hope except the anti Zionist Orthodox Jews which have existed in the Jews community which are few in numbers but strong and steadfast but over all the Jews are hopeless on their own to chance course towards decency away from the teachings of Satan, the Christians and Muslims I see more hope in them, just a little bit more hope I must say not much but steal a sizable numbers, what I have to remind all these three groups is this, your Prophets were all anti establishment, some became kings still the so called religious establishment which were a group of themselves they resisted these kingly Prophets of God, then when these kingly prophets passed away these religious establishments portrayed them as the most flayed persons Prophets even more flawed then the citizens, all this is texed in the Old Testament as you know, you also find a god who constantly makes mistakes then regrets things made all that nonsense, look if you wanna believe God makes mistakes fine you go ahead and believe that, if you not only doubt that but more or less are certain these texts were corrupted because I hope you and I agree the God of Abraham of David of Soloman all these great men is the God of you and I too, so we are not denying of this God the only God, what I am questioning is, this God this Creator we know of makes no mistakes, so naturally whomever spewed these nonsense about the Creator must have been most wicked least said, so no I dont believe every word in the Old Testament is the world of God, it just cannot be, now we have something very interesting with the Jews who say they have the written Torah this highly corrupted text but they also have the oral Torah, the Oral Torah is commentary of men of the written Torah, their argument is that there are things mentioned in the written Torah which you and I need the interpretation the commentary of the (learned) rabbis to understand what the written Torah is referring to, the Muslims both the Shias and the Sunni mollas or as the Muslims call them the Ulama, meaning the learned ones have the same arguments when it comes to their Hadiths too, they also say if it wasnt for the Hadiths we wouldnt know how to go about certain things, the truth is this is true on a very few questions but what has happened both the Jews and the Muslims have gone on to explain just a handful of complicated questions in both the Old Testament and the Holy Quran, both the so called learned clergy of these groups have gone so out of line drifted so far to write whole books on these subjects and corrupted faith in general, I will give you an example of Sunni Hadiths, you decide if it makes sense to you because I think this sounds just ludacris only a moron would believe it so here it comes, the Sunnis from their Hadiths actually do believe the army of Gog and Magog a 200 million man army exist as we speak underground in a massive cave locked up there til the day God releases them to destroy mankind, this is actually what the Sunnis believe, they dont question how these 200 million man monster army are fed how they are locked up how they can live 200 million of them in a cave for thousands of years, their explanation is, God can do anything and thats where the conversation ends with them, then the Sunnis believe from their Hadiths if you die with honor they will get 72 virgin angels in Paradise as if one will have genitals in Paradise to have sex with or to use for other means, in the Holy Quran the indication is the exact opposite in fact, but dont tell that to the Sunnis because they believe Paradise is a place of that kind of primitive pleasures, the Shias they dont believe in the Hadiths, they believe in what their 12 Imams have said, thats their so called Hadiths, and I have looked into that too, same thing there, I dont believe their Imams said any of that BS because it actually sound more ridiculous than the Sunni Hadiths, and when it comes to the Christians, they are brainwashed to believe all this nonsense of the Old Testament, now the question is either are all these Abrahamic faiths totally made up nonsense with these stupid stories or you would say like me, these stories were corrupted by some evil force, I am mainly talking about the Old Testament stories the Sunni Hadiths and Shia Revajat, in my view the Shia version is the most corrupted to be honest then I rank the Old Testament stories and last the Sunni Hadiths, if you want things to make sense to you, there is only one source which makes sense of it all, thats the Holy Quran, now what does this have to do with the world we are living today, because the title of the video is, is Freemasonry Christian or not, I would say, absolutely not, Freemasonry is Satanic in its core, I believe the followers of Christ want to be close to God the Creator and I believe the followers of Christ reject Satan the cursed one, I believe anyone who gets attracted to Freemasonry at the same time claiming to be followers of Christ are hypocrites, they are more drawn to corruption more to these cults than what the Christ stood for therefor they go towards these satanic cults, so no you cannot be a follower of the Christ and be a Freemason, just as you cannot be a Muslim and be a Freemason, tell that to king of Jordan to the Shia mollas of Iran of Iraq all these hypocrites, so what does all this leave the Jews the Christians and the Muslims, I will tell you what it leaves us, we all have to draw a line, together and say, we reject Freemasonry, they are not us and we are not them, we believe in the Creator while the Freemasons believe in the Devil, so no matter how much you love your dear leader, if the man is follower of Freemasonry or the Jesuits doesnt matter, your dear leader cannot be a man of God, your dear leader is actually cursed by God, therefore they are doomed and you if you are stupid to follow them, this much the true followers of the Christ the actual Muslims and the God fearing Jews, this much we all have in common, we must stick together against these forces of Evil, because, we have identified Evil.
