Eddie Bravo Exposes “Luciferian” Elements at Vatican

I want to have said this officially, this is what I believe after years of research, I do NOT intend to offend Catholic followers, reason for me to say this is because this is what I actually believe, I believe the Vatican from day one have been under the influence of Satan his devils and human devils, meaning the whole institution is satanic, from day one till today, I also believe the Jesuits I dont or could tell excitedly from when but I do believe the Jesuits infiltrated the Shia cult again from when its hard for me to tell but at least a few centuries, why do I say that because many of their Shia doctrines sound so very much like the Catholic one, one thing is for sure, the Jesuits meaning the Freemasons are in charge of the unislmic republic of Iran as we speak, I also believe the same Freemasons infiltrated the Ottomans from the early days till today, just as the satanic Freemasons are in charge of the Zionist movement occupying the Holy Land which created Hamas and many of these other phony Islamic cults, from the looks of it and its true it seems these Freemasons which are under the control of the Jesuits which the Zionist movement is like an umbrella company of theirs are in charge of all these Middle Eastern countries in fact all countries, we also know Putin is a Freemason meaning under the influence of the Jesuits which all again goes back to the Vatican, it looks like all traces goes back to the Vatican, to the Vatican to the City of London and Washington DC, the unholy trinity, as designed.
