Have It Out With Galloway (Episode 40) Ceasefire At Last: Will It Hold?
I dont mean to poke people in the eye with what I am about to say here but I am going to speak my truth the way I see it.
You go on and call this a victory and by you I mainly mean politicians and those invested in these groups in charge, again politicians, politicians armed with AKs or in suits, nevertheless politicians.
You say Israel is humiliated, they have lost business, their moral is shattered, they have lost a couple of thousands and wounded Zionists, you say they have lost face around the world, yes its all true, but as politicians you should use your political calculous be honest more and tell us if you were in the Zionist shoe as politicians as both of you are what would you have called what the Zionist IDF have caused, you would also have called it a massive victory, so who is right here, you or the Zionists, I am no politicians so I am not going to lie, I would have called the war for the Zionists, and also, how can you on one hand call it a genocide then turn around with a straight face and call it a victory, its like the jews after they got freed from German workcamps and what they were forced through a victory, I dont see anyone anywhere in the world after being subjected to a genocide turn around and say they were victorious somehow, only a politicians who is a seller of untruths would say something like that, another question, if this was a victory and victories are good right ?? how many more of these victories can you take ?? not many I would guess, what happened is you survived, you didnt win anything, you just barely survived, propaganda is necessary but you have to sell what you have to say to more than just the dumbest out there because I atleast I dont call whatever that was a victory, I call it a loss, big time, I call whatever you have done in the Holy Land since 1948 a big loss with not one single victory to show for it, and what do I base that on, I base it on you have lost ground every time you tried something and the reason for this is, you never learned to fight gentlemanly instead you fought beastly like your adversaries who may I say is hundred times stronger than you, and you thought you could win fighting like that, you hardly won the media war too, look winning the media war against the Synagog of Satan should be the easiest task anyone could ask of you, yet with such an easy task you barely won that one, there are reasons for it, one is when you fight like beasts less fractionable beast than the Zionists less stylish with going around blowing up busses shooting women and elderlies stabbing random people with the terrible image you have in many parts of the world you think you have won sympathies or not, you have not, listen I am being brutally honest here, I say it because I want you to win but it feels like an uphill battle waste of time with the way things are done, I give you an example of what I say to every Palestinian I meet, first of all I ask them a couple of question but lets not go into that for now, after feeling if I am talking to a reasonable person a sensible one which most of them are, I ask them why many of them hang the Palestinian flag outside their windows, I ask them if they cannot see the fact that it wont win anyone more on their side than those already on their side, I am talking mainly about westerners like Swedes, because when a Swede see a Palestinian flag hanging on someones window or on a pole here and there because we have a lot of that in my town with Palestinian flags on poles outside some business on their own private property what many of these Palestinians dont realize is the fact that too many Swedes think to themselves their own land is being occupied by those who cry their land were occupied by invaders, when a Swede or a westerners who could be on your side see things like that something gets triggered in them to either stay neutral or directly go to cast their vote on the far righters who would like to see you gone, and I dont blame them much, how would any Arab feel if they saw foreign flags hanging on their streets, the fact is, Arabs wouldnt allow it, so what makes you think its a good idea for you to trigger people, and this all comes back to you dont seems to have in you how to stay gentlemanly, how to make peoples have more sympathy for you, this is why you have lost ground from day one, and you know what, when politicians program you to call what you did on Okt7 and the consequences of that with you having been carpet bombed if you think that was a good ide and repeat dumb mistakes like that over and over again then I am not sorry for you any longer, as I have shared my view on things, I dont see ever again anything like a Palestine materialize, this idea of Palestine will only exist in books in the mind of people, just as Palestine ever existed as a sovereign state in history it will have a less chance to ever even come anywhere close to what was a territory mislabeled as Palestine, after a people who were not even Semitic, the name of the land is the Holy Land, get used to it !
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