Hidden Camera Footage of Freemasonry Ritual

And these are the ones who brought you WW1 WW2 soon may God forbid WW3 the Ukraine Russia war 911 and all other iand misery all around the world, what these satanic Freemasons are doing here is no funs and games, they are swearing over the Talmud which is the direct teachings of the Devil, I am being very serious here folks, I mean it when i say the Talmud is the word of the rabbis in cahoots with the Devil, did you guys know the Talmud describes the Devil as an innocent misunderstood individual ? do I have to say anything more to convince you the Talmud is the handiwork of the Devil, I shouldnt this should be enough, and are you surprised the Freemasons also swear over the Talmud now, listen I dont mean to offend the antiZionist Jews, I really dont, to you I say, Satan this guy you see as an misunderstood guy, that guy he have many degrees of deception, he doesnt mind if some of you Jews are anti Zionists, his main game is to play everyone against each other and the only way to counter his moves is first to recognize your mortal enemy, which you Jews of all peoples should have learned by now because this Devil have been the main cause of all your troubles since the get go, I say this because no other group have been punished by God more than you Jews, yet you never learn, in one of the Holy Texts God call you Jews donkeys who carry tons of books, why do you think God say that about you, the reason is for you to feel extra special you do nothing but make up "laws" as you go, I can give you a couple of examples which only make sense to a brainwashed jew and no one else, according to your man made laws out of your Talmud, you are not to mix or eat bread and milk at the same time or they shouldnt touch, the way the rest of the world see it, what is more of a God sent items to mankind, bread and milk, not many other food items have been praised by God more than bread and milk, now you say these two most beneficial these two one can even perhaps say holy food items are not allowed to touch each other, again this only makes sense to an indoctrinated Talmudic jew, the rest of us dont see why to God sent food items should not be touching each other, another hypocrisy out of your Talmud, you say the hair of a woman should not be visible, I am not sure that is absolutely necessary to go to those extremes but if a woman want to at least pretend to be virgin Mary my hats off to her I say, but now yout Talmud say, the actual hair of a woman should not be visible but a wig pretend hair thats not an issue, what kind of hypocrisy again is this, you again killed the whole purpose of the true intention of the idea, its like one say, the breasts of a woman should not be visible but if you wear a shirt with the picture of boobies thats somehow ok, now I took an extreme example but its just as hypocritical as the wig thing, here is another phony laws from your Talmud, you are not "allowed" to each bottom eating seafood because they eat from whats on the surface of the sea bed, for some reason thats unclean for you, what about land animals who I dont think eat from hovering things in the air, from what I know they also eat from whats on the ground, you dont have to explain anything to me, I have heard it all and I repeat what God said about you Talmuds, you are indeed like donkeys who do nothing good but carrying loads of books of laws you made up I dont know to feel special perhaps, my point with all this is this, God made religion easy for us to follow, just a handful of guidelines and thats it, thats all mankind were supposed to do, then this Devil came around and many followed his ways instead and paid the price for it, and you jews are the prime example of that, but as we can see, your pardon my Canadian, your fuckups didnt end there, now you gave birth to these satanic Freemasons who have destroyed the whole planet with their wickedness and corruption and soon the wrath of God upon you all, then you will finally open your eyes to who actually the Master of this and all other worlds, its going to be a rude awakening for you followers of the Devil.
Satan will never see the lights of the Heaven ever again after his massive corruption he brought upon himself and many other souls, a destructive individual like him will never be allowed back in, he is done for it and so are you Freemasons for following him, you are so screwed you have no idea you dumb evil pieces of garbage.  
