How the bishop who scolded Trump enabled Gaza genocide, with Ali Abunimah
Everything is so wrong on so many levels it just boggles your mind, not my mind I see clearly what the hell is going on here, on the Palestinian side you have these loonies who reject any wrong doing from the many Palestinian factions who stormed the Zionists occupied settlements and we have to be honest they did commit crimes its on video they did, not saying they fried babies in ovens and what they Zionists are accusing them for but crimes savagery was committed we all saw that and all these nastiness is overlooked by these you see in the video here and too many like them and on the other hand we have the Zionists and their supporters like the Jesuits and their bishops and other Zionists who also dont mind and overlook the carpet bombing of anything that is Palestinians, and I may say for 80 years now, so what does this leave the situation for the rest of us to have our points of view said, not much that from what I see we have nothing but a bunch of lunatics on both sides throwing stones at each other and done so for longest time and frankly who is the loser here, the Palestinians are of course, because 100% of what they have tried has ended with them losing 100% of the engagements so much so there is nothing much left of them and if you ask me who is to blame for this, starting with the Palestinians themselves to begin with then their leaders after that I blame their supporters like these crazies in the video, starting with the latter first their supporters, their dishonest unfair reporting on the reason the cause of what brought them to this point has to be the starting point in my opinion, because if you are not honest with people how can you ever be part of any solution because from what I see these in the video all they seems to care is about not falling behind in stone throwing war because if they were intellectually honest this would cause a pause to allow people to reflect on what caused events and in a calm manner try to find the best solution which is not on the cards of anyone for now or ever did for that matter, I see these commentators as part of the problem, I see the regimes and groups supporting the Palestinian factions part of the never ending problem here, I shouldnt say regimes instead a regime because we only have one regime that is the Shia molla regime of Iran who is aiding in the misery of the Palestinian people not solving any of their issues, judging from what we have in front of us, I have explained to you why the Shia molla regime is part of the problem here, as many of you are aware of the Shia molla regime have around 10-15% full support of the Iranian people, one of the sticking points the Shia molla regime uses to remain relevant with the 15% of the Iranian people is the issue of the Holy Land, the US government uses the same tactics the same arguments with their Christian Zionists to stay relevant on this topic too, perhaps a bit more of the US population are hard core Zionists than the hardcore Iranian molla supporters are but the tactics remains the same, they both uses the Holy Land to gather support within their own population and I hope I dont have to remind you how highly corrupt and hypocritical these so called religious nutcases are when it comes to moral issues which I dont even have to go into all over here again, the point here is, faith in God and being God fearing has nothing to do with these cult supporters, you think these in the video ever in their waken hours thinks about God and what He has recommended for us to do to live in peace with each other or the Zionists for that matter, I think not, I think they are more interested in keep throwing stones until their arms fall off, so dont expect anything constructive to come out of these people or any other cult followers whether it is from these phony religious cult leaders because lets be honest, politics have taken over everything, you dont have any clear minded independent religious leaders what you have are government political agents, take from the Shia mollas in Shia countries, take the so called Orthodox Russian or Ukrainian clerics all slaves of their slave owners to the Freemasonic Jesuit bishops to your highly greedy protestant pastors each with a dozen private jets and the morally corrupt cult followers who cannot get enough of the worldly possessions and here is the thing, you know what their leaders all have incommon with each other, they are all Freemasons, all of them are, now that you know all these leaders are Freemasons and knowing all corruption around the world comes out of this school of thought which is Freemasonry is it that difficult for you to finally recognize, first of all nothing positive has ever come out of this schools of thought ever instead they are the cause of all corruption therefore they must be condemned and rightly so, and more importantly, when you know all sides of the conflicts are Freemasons perhaps there is a correlation between them which they are keeping in the dark for the rest of us, perhaps things are more choreographed than it seems, I am starting to think in those terms, evidence is pointing to that is the way I see it, look folks, we all know the Freemasons run all governments, this is not a theory, this is a fact, the run the show everywhere and we were warned there are a dozen satan worshiping families on top of the structure and on the actual top of the pyramid is the Devil himself who is a shapeshifter, he walks here and there and people are cautious of him I have been told, this is the truth of the matter friends, leaders are told what to do and they obey him, your religious leaders obey him, he is the one incharge, he thinks, the best you can do is to never support any of his institutions you wanna weaken him dont support any institutions anywhere, you know the Freemasons are in control of all your institutions which means the foot soldiers of the actual Devil are running affairs and their main goal is a totalitarian society for you all, which is on the way, its almost complete thanks to you.
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