Israel & The Assassinations of the Kennedy Brothers: A Documentary By La...

I agree with many saying the American dream hope died with the assassination of JFK, I think if the Zionists wouldnt have murdered JFK America would have actually lived for many centuries to tell the tale instead after his murder it has been a downhill spiral ever since no one can deny that, I believe there is a curse on America which will never be lifted till it collapses, JFK gave legitimacy to the US thats how you survive without it you are nothing, and if you were someone soon enough you will decline to nothingness no matter how much you have, sure some might say the rich are getting richer well so did the Roman oligarchs but could they same themselves from their own greed which weakened them to the point of their collapse no it didnt, money cannot buy you legitimacy on the contrary I say, this is what we are witnessing with our own eyes with whats going on in the US right now, here is my question to the Christians of the US, in Scriptures America is described as Babylon the Great, no theologian disputes that not even Protestant theologians, what more does Scripture say about Babylon the Great, that not only herself but the whole world is drunk of it fornications, its talking about the destructive harmful culture coming out of America with its entertainment industry of all kinds, it goes without saying how harmful it has been so much so that even the Bible speaks of it, now the question is, I hear many Christian Americans tall themselves how exceptional they are their culture how outstanding you are better than anyone else, then the question is why is the Bible you hold so highly warning about your destructive culture, if you now are Bible believers why are you so hypocritical to pick and choose the parts which you think benefits you and leave the many warnings and guidelines of the Bible aside, I think one of the answers to this question is, you seems to be more drunk just intoxicated than any other people I know of, perhaps you should reexamine yourself first before you cast judgment on how exceptional how righteous how Christian you are how God fearing you are, I dont think anyone across the world would agree with you on how you see yourselves, but try to tell that to a drunk person wouldnt listen, you stopped listening after JFK got murdered and look at RFK, rarely seen a spineless creature like him, the whole world knows the Zionist Israelis murdered his uncle yet RFK cannot get enough of licking the boots of the murderers of his family members.
I bet you all, not a word of the Zionist Israelis will be mentioned in the so called JFK files soon released, its all a bunch of nothing burgers wait and see, here is the thing we all know it, when they have been released people will talk about it for two three days and its all forgotten about like nothing happened, all this previous hypes for absolutely nothing isnt that so ?
