Israelis Protest AGAINST Peace Deal In Gaza!
It is heartwarming to see more and more people opening their eyes to the fact that the Zionist Israeli society is of what I always say satanic nature, just to make clear something here which you have read me say, we have the actual interdimensional beings which the evil ones we call devils and the highest ranking of them you know as the Devil then we have human devils too, these human devils are influenced by the actual devils, and the highest ranking human devils are members of these secret societies like the Freemasons like the Jesuits there are countless of these secret societies which they teach you how to get a personal devil appointed to you to help you influence the minor human devils like the Zionist Israelis, dont get me wrong, these human devils of all ranks exist and are operating in every single country and people around the world, its not just an Israeli problem its a global cancer, the main objective of these actual devils is to egg mankind against each other for us to kill us off and thats exactly what you are witnessing right now, so you are wrong if you think this society is somehow better than the other, sure some are worse than others thats given we see that with the Synagog of Satan who have occupied the Holy Land, these has to be the worst of them all but lets not forget we all have these crazies speaking for us via our many institutions because 110% of our institutions also have been occupied by these secret society cult members, these problems are much closer than you want to imagine, for now I think we are doing the right thing to concentrate on the Zionists at the same time my complain is while many are indeed shedding light on the Zionist entity many give cover for other Zionist puppets, and this has been the problem for a long time for years now, this is why we are only taking baby steps and with the vast recourses the Zionists have at hand baby steps is ensuring we are falling far behind, this is why I fear the totalitarian NWO they have in plans will be successful then you will be really sorry you didnt do more.
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