🔴 Israel's Next Step After The Gaza Ceasefire Deal | Syriana Analysis w/...

Kevork shouldnt bring guests on his own show because they only make him look and sound bad, lower the quality of his own opinions, is my view, he should go on others shows and offer his perspectives for those are sound and valid based on reality but when you or anyone else bring on guests, what guests do is to sell you false hopes, a guest must say things that are hopeful otherwise no one wants to hear bad news from a guest or the guy doesnt seem to be interesting to have on next time or as a guest at someone elses program, so you rarely hear the truth which is always for the most part depressing from guests, the fact of the matter is, Palestinians lost historically defeat there is no way around it, they lost everything gained nothing, the Zionists did what they really set to do, is to kill as many Palestinians as they can 100k and carpet bombed Gaza as intended, in my opinion the Palestinians will never rise again on their own, they have absolutely nothing to show for it, the little weapons they had is gone, the border between Egypt will forever be closed to them, now they are cut off  and completely dependent on aid, in my view the dream of a Palestine is forever gone will never be realized and the only reason you have a piece deal right now is because of Trumps festivities in the US, so the Palestinians should feel lucky at the moment otherwize the Zionists would have bombed them further, here is the thing, I have spoken to a few Palestinians and when I asked them to be fully honest and tell me how they feel about the whole Sinwar thing with what he did 100% of them told me they didnt like what he did, sure I havent spoken to scores of Palestinians but a few but that was the answer I got, and if I were a Palestinians who have lost family members and if I heard you non Palestinians call this a victory I would have been pissed very angry indeed, and for some reason the only ones who call this a victory are from what I see and hear are none Palestinians, so you people should take it easy a bit speaking for others, lets call it for what it is, a total loss with nothing gained but sure the reputation of the shameless Zionist Israelis smeared a bit but do you think anyone actually cares about that, look at the football hooligans from the Zionist entity in the netherlands, they came in crapped all over the place and still the even western politicians covered for them in their own country, you dont seems to get it some of you, these Zionists they dont care what you think, they have all the recourses all the political power behind them for another 200 years if not more, so you better think of something else to say or do because you seems to dreamwalk into forever more defeats if you continue like this, because look, there is nothing left of anything Palestinians left, and all the Arab leaders are about to kiss the ring not only that also bend over to get it from behind as well for good measure, you are absolutely fucked thats what I am trying to say nothing you have done have works up to this point you need to be honest about it otherwise you wont be guided towards the right direction, the reason why these non Palestinians call this victory is for them to claim some kind of phony victory so they can sell it to their own people to their own audience like the mollas of Iran, they call it a victory as if they have "defeated" the Zionists on their own ground and to sell it to their own as if they are still relevant, this is one of the reasons they call it a victory, but dont tell it to the Palestinians who have lost more or less absolutely everything, in my view the Palestinians are the losers here and rightly so to be fully honest, they keep making wrong moves constantly, look there is a way to fight and not to, you can fight gentlemanly and gain moral support of even stone hearted peoples, you can also fight most uncivilized like the Palestinians did by targeting so called Israeli civilians and earn more of the hatred of so many who could stand with them and the Palestinians chose the latter unfortunately, so please do yourself a big favor and walk on solid ground and see things from all perspectives, as I said there is a right way and a wrong way of doing things and if i were you, I wouldnt listen to anyone damn one who called this a victory ever again because their opinions are not only misinformed but straight out dangerous incompetent not to be visited again let them sel whatever the hell they want to their cult followers and let the rest of you offer other points of view which matches more what is happening on the ground. good luck.
