Israel’s War on Americans Must Stop: Here’s How
I bet you all the so called declassification of the JFK files will deflect attention from the Zionists Israelis to the Cubans or the Martians anyone but the Synagog of Satan pretty much like the Oliver Stones JFK movie, not a word there mentioned about the Zionist Israelis so dont expect more from these so called declasifications.
When it comes to AIPAC and the money they pour in to buy of politicians, you anti Zionists can counter it with setting up your own version, I'll explain how in short, set up a fund where any US citizen can send in any amount of donations they want, the billions collected in the fund the interest on it can be used to support anti AIPAC candidates with each donors regardless the amount of their donations into the fund they get a vote, a vote each, I bet you can collect billions of dollars to the fund in no time, the managers of the fund get a minimum salary for the charitable work they do to upkeep the fund and everything is done transparently, something in those lines, the point is, you need to collect money like the Zionists do, they do through a very few handful of rich crooks you do it through the people, you also have to explain to the Christians there why the Zionist Israeli entity is an imposter entity and the many crimes they have been behind, the positive things here is the youth of America is changing course even the Jewish youth of America, time will come in a couple of years where no one will give cover for the Zionist imposter entity anymore this is foreseen this will happen with Gods help we are not there yet but its coming it cant be stopped.
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