Prof. Mohammad Marandi: Iran & Hezbollah's Plan, Ready for Israel's Worst?
Listen folks all you anti Zionists like myself here, it is of most importance that you understand what you are seeing and hearing with commentators from inside Iran, just to remind you what Iran is, Iran is a totalitarian Shia theocracy run by some of the top most corrupt individuals in the world, rest assured the US with all its problems I have pointed to problems you are aware of is still nothing like how corrupt and controlled Iran is, these people like Molla Marandi you see this soft speaking individual is the main English speaking propagandist of the Shia molla regime, he is a trusted paid agent of theirs, he is the mouthpiece of some of the most corrupt men and women you can think of, its like drug cartels had a spokesman who tried to convince you being addicted to heroin or crack is good for you because this is not only what the Shia regime makes money out of but also the same bullshit they pollute your minds with their arguments, I am once again and I will keep remind you all these criminals they dont give a damn about any Palestinian civilians or anyone else but their own skin, because it happens these Shia mollas claim they are Muslims and from the Middle East though many doubt that claiming they are straight out of Hell these two faced human devils these hypocrites are made you to believe because they dress like "holymen" they are here to look after the wellbeing of the masses, masses like even the people of the Holy Land, my argument why you like many other should open your eyes to reality to see what you have in front of you with these criminals before you believe a word they say is to first look if they are actually taking care of their own people first and if they are then sure then you have grounds to believe they will perhaps look after other peoples other Muslims interests too elsewhere, now look at how these Shia mollas treat their own people, for example when peaceful demonstrators take to the streets to to ask for the basic human right what do these Shia thugs do, they spray them with AK bullets many times dont even care who they hit or not, and you think these Shia molla human devils care for Arab Palestinians, the (only) reason they pretend to care about them is because of this phony Islamic unity thing which we all know doesnt exist, it doesnt exist not even with Arab countries and their rulers when it comes to the Palestinians in the Holy Land, you all saw how Al Jolani kissed the Ring of Evil right away officially, you see how Arab regimes are betraying the Palestinians and kissed the Ring of Evil long ago and officially too and you think these Shia molla drug traffickers like the Party of Satan ever cared about anyone but themselves, look what Nasrala did he had to, if he didnt react his own cult followers would have lost confidence in him after decades of brainwashing, what he didnt expect was to get whacked, he expected others to get whacked in the process not himself, look if that Shia organization of theirs in Iran in Lebanon was run by the most God fearing why are half of their cult followers Zionist spies, the simple reason is, YOU dont live in that environment they live in, YOU think they are these holy warriors but in reality all in the cult know they cant trust the man or the woman next to them, they know the organization is rotten from inside, they all know it but YOU, they are not these holy warriors, have you not seen the war crimes of the Party of Satan in Syria in Iraq where they have even executed children, I have many others have seen what they are about, another thing you need to get reminded of if you say you are a God fearing person, if everything is not a joke to you, you know no God fearing person would ever (dare) call its organization for the Party of God, even with all the good intention you wouldnt dare you wouldnt go that far in your arrogance to call your organization and associate it with the name of God this is because what if may God forbid in the future your organization does something ungodly then you have directly offended the Creator by associating corruption in His name, go serous God fearing person would dare do that or risk damnation which the Lebanese Party of Satan did and are paying for it because they never actually were the Party of God, they were imposters, imposters out of Iran which as we have talked about are Freemasons, I ask you again, how can the Freemasons be the party of God when you and I know and Albert Pikes knew said they actually worship Satan the Devil and would you disagree when you see their work all across the world, open your eyes friend, there are no good men left other than those who seek to be disengage from the phony world they have made you to think you live in, I say it again, peace in the Holy Land is world peace, you standing up against the Zionists in the correct way, is what gives future a little bit of hope.
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