Scott Ritter : Can Trump Successfully Threaten Putin?
There are so many things wrong with Scotts statements analysis call it what you want like when he was asked if the Zionist entity was aware of a Okt7 attack and let it happen he said, he believe they were aware of it before hand but didnt believe it would happen, my question is, how does Scott know what the IDF 'believed' or not, is Scott in the minds of the IDF tell us how does he know what people believe in their minds or not is he God because from what I know only God knows the minds of people, what I am saying is, Scott just make up things as he goes, he makes somewhat educated guesses and as we know he has been wrong on so many too many times in the past, and also doubling down on calling what happened in Gaza a victory and he have heard his arguments why, all nonsensical because he knows like the rest of you out there and I know the main goal of the Zionists was to (kill) as many Palestinians as they could and they did just that, all the war crimes are documented from sniping nunes on church ground to sniping women and children left and right, the truth is not even the Zionists were under the illusion they could drive all Palestinians out of Gaza, they knew that that was not their objective, their objective was to kill the Zionist human devils they are to kill as many Palestinians they could with the support of Babylon the Great and they achieved their objective, as result sure Hamas still exist degraded smashed as Hummus now and it doesnt matter because the Gaza Egypt border is closed off to them with nothing entering Gaza any more, if Gaza was closed off before today its really closed off to the rest of the world, they are absolutely screwed now, so in reality despite what these likes of Scott are trying to convince you, Palestinians lost and lost big time with absolutely nothing to show for it other than just surviving, just surviving, thats no victory to speak of, beside that, by God every single Palestinian I have spoken to here when I aske them to be fully honest with me and say what Sinwar did if it was worth it or not, not one of them called it a victory, in fact I am only repeating their sentiments on what they see as reality on the ground, all Palestinians I have talked to agreed with me and none with the likes of Scott and those who call this a victory even a minor one, I have to say the Palestinians here at least are way more realistic about what happened they sound more logical more sensible more honest about what they see and again not one disagreed with me, they see it as a massive loss which we all are saddened about, one Palestinian actually said Sinwar was a hero for doing what he did but when I put a couple of questions to him he then said sure what Sinwar did wasnt beneficial to the Gazans, I think the Palestinians outside the Holy Land are better informed this makes them way more sensible better at see reality and what the solutions are than the ones closed of living in Gaza and other places in the occupied Holy Land, and who can blame them in Gaza and other places when all whats on your mind is to try to stay alive from the dirty bloody axes of the Zionist human devils, at the same time little blame can be shared because one must always stay collected in the worst situations otherwise more blood will be shed which can come to haunt you which it did which how the Palestinians stormed over the separation wall and did what they shouldnt have done, they should have fought with the pen instead of bullets its all I am saying.
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