[SPECIAL] - COL. Douglas Macgregor : Trump and War.

I am not so sure the Shia mollas of who have occupied Iran because lets face it we have to be honest here, both the Holy Land and Iran have been occupied by foreign religious satanic cults, in the case of the Holy Land you have the Synagog of Satan and in the case of Iran you have these Shia Iraqi magicians occupied Iran and you know what, this is true what I am telling you folks, the Shia Iraqis are actually proud of them for having occupied Iran, they say the Shia Sejeds which the Supreme Traitor Whore and of his like are not Iranians but Iraqis, this is what the Iraqis are saying, not kidding folks this is actually what they are saying and they are truthful about it, these people are not Iranians, its an Iraqi Shia satanic cult, I have already explained to you they are all Freemasons little slaves of the Jesuits of Vatican, its like a Jesuit criminal chapter like any other criminal organization but in the Middle East, just to remind you what I am talking about, just to make sure you are following what I am saying here so you dont think I am just talking nonsense here, as I have explained before why the Vatican this pegan center of faith for certain people and the Shia faith which has absolutely nothing to do with Islam what these two have in common which no one else have, they both follow (tradition) over scripture, the Roman Catholics if you are not educated in the subject matter they follow something they call tradition over the Bible, look it up if you again think I am talking nonsense, I dont blame the Catholics for following tradition over the New Testament, I am not saying I agree with what they do I say I dont blame them, I would do the same if I had no other choice, and choice they have but disregarding it, so why do I say I dont blame them, its simple, the educated Roman Catholics like the Jesuits are not dumb people, they know their pegan Roman forefathers put the book now called the New Testament together and how they corrupted it, you know how the New Testament came to be, with the four gospels of who knows who said and who wrote it and where it came from, and also only four gospels out of twelve as if the other eight disciples had nothing to say, I am not going into all that here my point is the learned Roman Catholics they know of all this better than you and I do and they are not going to insult their own intelligence by following a book they themselves corrupted so they instead follow the tradition which corrupted it all, they find that more credible than a book which makes little sense, sorry to say to the cult followers of that tradition, so what does this has to do with the Shia mollas, they also follow their Shia tradition over the Holy Quran, its no secret, if you go to Shia educational cult centers they like the jews rarely even go near to the Holy Quran, so thats one point these religious cults have in common what more do these two cults have in common, the Roman Catholics have their hail Mary beads which they repeat the chants for their sins to be forgiven what do you know the Shias have the exact same tradition, exact same beads only chanting their Shia chants to this or that of their saints just like the Roman Catholics, the Catholics pray to the mother of Jesus the Shias pray to the daughter of Prophet Mohammad, may God be pleased with him, another thing they have in common and thats the concept of the purgatory where they both believe they will be taken a place which is not that bad, its a little bit sad to be there but its no Hell there they will be kept for a while to pay off for their both Catholic and Shia sins then God will gladly open the gates of Paradise for these delusional creatures, it actually get worse than that if you dive deep in this theoretical concept of their, these two sisters in crime they believe they can commit any sins over and over again as long as they in their minds do the for a higher cause, lets say they can murder in the name of their phony higher cause, they can commit fornication like actually selling their bodies like spies do again for a higher cause, what more do they have in common these two ugly sisters, pedophilia is another thing they it seems cannot get enough of, i would say and I am serious 20% of the Shia mollas are pedophiles, and the number of homosexuals just like the Catholic clergy men and those around them is over the top, listen folks, I know I dont know how many of their cult followers especially the Shias followers of Hezbola the Party of Satan and close cult members of the shia mollas who are open faggots, they are not even hiding it anymore, I am serious with you folks, what more do these monkeys have in common, actual organized crime, anything from drug trade to human trafficking to any other motherfuckerism you can think of.
What is the point of what I just talked about here, if you have got the memo yet, what I am talking about is, when the Shia mollas pretended to be this leader of the phony resistance against the Zionists you all got duped, they never gave a damn about the Palestinians they only pretended and when they were made to back off by their leaders here and there got whacked as you saw the Shia mollas who look it as an enterprise backed off right away and betrayed you all in a blink of an eye, these people like the Palestinian factions are so rotten from inside with rats and traitors and you know why that is, this thing with being honorable is what they do best, its make belief, they are the best two faced creatures because thats what self serving criminals are, so if you ask me if the Shia mollas these criminals and the Zionist criminals these two criminal organizations will eventually go to war, I am not so sure, I am betting they wont, its bad for business if they do and its always about business with these human devils, its never about doing the right thing, and this I say to the Iranians inside Iran and outside Iran to you I say this, many of you had put your faith in Trump to devastate the Shia mollas somehow, you will be disappointed when they will make up when Trump will reach out to the mollas to make deals, then I will laugh loudly because I know how depressed you all will become when you thought Trump was your last hope and now that last hope of yours blew away with you now sitting there absolutely hopeless, cant be a good feeling I bet you, you know what your ignorance when you put your last hope in the hopeless man Trump is will do, it will straighten the Shia mollas further then both you and I know what that will result into, you will be fucked more than ever before, you are the ones who will pay for it, again, the way I see it, the followers of Satan will have a roll for some time to come and you people will become its fuel for whatever they set fire on.
