Speeches That Defined a Presidency: "A New World Order"
This is why I personally have no faith in mankind anymore, one likes to stay an optimist but really when you look around and see how the masses fall for the same tricks over and over again I start to wonder what open secrets these satanic secret societies like the Freemasons tell their cult followers, and the so called secret be that mankind is a glorified dumb ape you can teach it to double down on its own stupidity over and over again, can the so called secret be this simple, I think we are not that from that truth actually, I also cannot stop thinking the whole matrix created around with the wars with all the major events are all scripted, look folks I am drawn deeper and deeper into this idea that the whole fucking deal is scripted, like there is no west vs the east no capitalism vs communism socialism, no actual religious wars but all that too is scripted, the war in Ukraine the actor Zelenski and RusPutin is also part of their plans, not to once again mention the fact that at one of the meeting at the World Economic Forum where RusPutin was attending years ago they were talking about dividing up the world in a couple of sections, speaking of RusPutin, you folks know when I started to become a bit suspicious at RusPutin, it was during the Kursk submarine disaster back in 2000s, I was 21 years old thats when I started paying attention to news and whats going on around the world and this Kursk submarine news was a big deal and RusPutin had just come on the scene as the boss of all the Russias, I was following the news of the sailors trapped in the sub and from what I understood was RusPutin wasnt that eager to get the sailors out I remember, the Russian navy didnt send out help to the sub and after days RusPutin finally agreed for an Norwegian rescue sub after a week after all the sailors were dead to go down there and look for life, we all knew they wouldnt find anyone alive after a week, and what was obvious was Rusputin was delaying the rescue efforts, I understood that something is not adding up here with this new guy RusPutin, long story short after days and weeks I understood what was going on, it was a conspiracy, what had happened was the US submarine had either torpedoed the huge Kursk Sub or collided with it, I didnt buy the official story from day one, not at all, I got the feeling RusPutin is hiding something here what it was I wasnt sure but he was hiding what really happened, after a few weeks news came out that an US sub had docked at a Norwegian naval base with damages and people suspected it had something to do with the Kursk incident, all this I just brought up are side issues actually just some facts to build my theory around, what I found a bit off was how RusPutin was doing his best to hide the fact, my indicial thoughts was the guy is new at scene as an official figue he is trying to be politically correct by not giving out any facts of what happened, then I thought to myself why would he do that, why not blame the Americans for what happened and make them look bad, why not take advantage of the opportunity, why shill for them instead, makes no sense what could be the benefits of that, then I thought perhaps the US had offered shit load of money for the lost sub and then some to keep it under the rap perhaps, then the question is why would Russia accept money when they could have used the incident for other more valuable political purposes, didnt make sense to me, but what caught my attention was, RusPutin was willing to play balls with his adversaries his so called mortal enemies, thats when it opened my eyes to how politicians one KGB the other CIA at times more than often do play balls why that is was the question, now after i was clicking on this video where Bush is arrogantly telling you all the totalitarian NWO is indeed established times ago made me think of two more other things, one is these secret societies which both Bush and RusPutin belong to they are both Freemasons no question about that, another thing I came to think about is, his son the little Bush, he brought you 911 murdered thousands of American citizens, what does he get as reward, he get an aircraft carrier named after him, and why RusPutin doesnt ever talk about the 911 conspiracy again all this makes me think these sons of bitches are all playing us and all these so called rivalry like in Ukraine is scripted, I also believe what is going on between the Shia mollas and the Zionists is also scripted, the Shia mollas are make no mistake about it also Freemasons, Iran was infiltrated by the Jesuits a couple of hundred years ago, and they found their kin sister in sin in the Shia mollas, so in truth you Jews you Christians you Muslims you everybody, you have been played by the followers of Satan, the question is, what are you going to do about it, I can tell you what will happen or is happening if you remain dummies about the fact, like in the case of Ukraine Russia, the consequences of you blindly following word for word of what your dear leader is telling you is what have caused the best of you ending up six feets under the ground over their sadistic games same thing goes for the jews of Israel and the Iranians who are also dumb enough to follow their satanic dear leaders to whatever script appointed to them to follow, on both sides, in the script they wrote to initiate a major war between these two sisters in crime in the region, these followers of Satan are scripting similar scenarios in different parts of the world, all these wars all these diseases viruses I am telling you, all of it is scripted !!! this means, there is someone at the top of the pyramid and its not your dear leader, someone is directing all these events, God warned us about what will happen and He also gave us advice, not to take part in any of this unholyness, if you do you have only fed the beast with will come for you and everyone you love, disengage tell em all to go and fuck themselves.
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