Synagogue of Satan in Their OWN Words (pt.1)
I think the Californians people on the west coast people of the US in fact peoples anywhere, when you allow the establishment of satanic cults likes of Freemasonry which is based on the Talmud and the Kabala you shoulndt then complain about this time why the Talmuds move in your neighborhoods like in California to set up this dream factory with all the degeneracy of culture it brought with it too, you have yourselves to blame, everyone does.
If you dont know what the deal is with the Talmud and Kabala let me make is easy for you to understand, the jews say they need the commentary of their "learned" rabbis to explain what is written in the Tanakh which is the Old Testament, in the Talmud is written things like, the Creator is an unconscious entity which can be manipulated to work in your favor, in other words, God the Creator created the whole universe with all its complexities then He took a rest on the seventh day, and He has been chilling eversense not doing anything but awaits the orders of these so called learned Talmudic rabbis to manipulate Him to work in their favor whatever that might be, this is what the rabbis are teaching about the Creator in their satanic Talmud, so the Talmud only explains how things are how things work, then if you as a human devil wants to advance further to understand more thats when the kabala comes into the picture, because in the kabala it "teaches" you how to manipulate forces of nature including God to do your bidding, look folks I am not pulling your legs here, this is actually what they teach their cult followers, so in short, the Talmud teaches you how things operate and the Kabala teaches you how to operate the so called machine, which exclusively includes invoking actual devils to work in your favor in other words, you sell your soul to the Devil, the simple truth is all these secret societies take their so called wisdom exclusively from the talmuds, they even swear on the Talmud, and it is no secret that the Freemasons came to California long before the Talmuds came to set up this dream factore to set the ground, so again who is to blame for the degeneracy here, the Freemasons of course which as we have talked about is nothing less than devil worshiping in its core, the Talmuds actually infiltrated the Christian believers in the US with dispensationalism to brainwash the masses to worship the Talmuds in hope of a get a get out of jail free card after they have massively messed up the world, its a sad state I know but people cannot seems to get enough of the crazies and what they are offering in this world the level of insanity is all time high and its not getting better anytime soon, I think we have crossed the line of no return back to sanity, I see things are about to fall apart and you know who to thank for all this.
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