🔴 Syria: How Legacy Media MANIPULATES You | Syriana Analysis w/ George S...

You just mentioned a piece of history regarding to what west said to the naive Arabs promised them if they helped the west and by west I mean look this is complex but lets just refer to it as the Bankster families to defeat the Ottomans the Arabs will be allowed to have a seat around the table as one big nation, the rest is history we know what happened to those promises, same illusion some Arab dictators are under today starting with Abdula of Jordan to the crazies of UAE to Arabia, they all think they are part of something long promised which they are not and I will tell you why, and this is why I am most disappointed at not the host of this show Kevok but his two hosts because lets be frank about it, according to them Russia does no wrong, never could, so innocent, what these two guests dont ever speak about neither does anyone else and that is, the Freemasonic globalists they have from time to time themselves declared their grand satanic NWO plans on forums like WEF among others, their plan is to divide the world in (three) parts, the American continent part, the Russian part and the Chinese part, leaving the not only the Arabs of southern hemisphere and many others what, they are not in the so called club, now the question is, why is this country Russia with no inhabitants so important to the globalists, can it have something to do with the ones who first financed the communists ??I am not talking about Jews, Jews have nothing to do with anything, they Jewish population they have been used as pawns like the Arabs like many others for these satanic globalists to divide the world up to establish a one world government with a one world currency a digital one after they have deliberately collapsed the dollar, you see folks when you pay close attention to what these devil worshipers say on their own forums and I suggest you do, then you learn everything is a damn theater, everything you see is designed to look in a certain way.
I strongly suggest to you never to support any of these even their institutions or ever cast your vote for any national election, instead put your energy on local politics elections, and also never repeat any of their talking points because then you are only feeding the Beasts.
let me ask you this and I am sure most of you are informed enough to answer this question on your own, many of you are familiar with the propaganda of the Freemasons and any of these secret societies, they claim with each degree they pass in their cult they evolve to become an even better human being, thats what they are saying not my word their words ! my question is this, isnt it so that the highest members of lets say the Freemasons the 33 degree which most of your dear leaders and politicians are of, I shouldnt ask if you are satisfied witht heir performance their policies their records because I just would make myself look like an idiot for asking this because you all know, all these wars all these killings massacres all these financial thefts and instabilities are of their doing, so again let me ask you, would you still believe these satanic Freemasons when they say they work to better mankind or will you finally open your eyes to see the world they have created and then I ask you again, why are you repeating their talking points for or against anything, I ask you again, who is the real problem here, who is the most corrupt here, who have more blood on their hands and in their mouths than these two faced actual devil worshipers, because yes they have sold their souls to the actual Devil and you are foolish enough to be so damn proud to walk in their shadows for reasons I dont want to know more of.
I say it again, this is a theater and are their audience the frog who is about to boil to death cheering them on, I suggest you jump out and save yourself, the way of the corrupt is not the way you should be on, its so simple folks you have the power to jump train and if enough of you did they wouldnt get anywhere destroying the world like they have done, its time to tell them to go and fuck themselves, we live in an absolute corrupt world with no way of saving it other than they go their way and you go yours and let God sort out what can be salvaged because again we live in an absolute corrupt world, it cant be saved and its about to get whole lot worse, I suggest whatever digital currency BS they try to push your throat do not take it or you have cursed yourself and your family, eat little eat always thats what my grandma used to say, may she rest in peace.
