The Unspoken Dangers of Christian Zionism | Truth No One Says Out Loud |...

Pastor Rick touched upon so many important topics here, one of the topics he raised and rightly so is the fact that the Freemasons have infiltrated most Christian churches, he also pointed to the fact that the All Seeing Eye and the pyramid is carved in the walls of the Israeli Knesset, anyone can look it up the same pyramid and Freemasonic symbolism is on display in the Shia molla parliament in Iran also, what a coincidence, not only that on all Iranian media outlets they all have the All Seeing Eye and the pyramid as their logo only in different designs, and for you who are still ignorant of what all this means, this is what it means, all Freemasons take their instructions from the satanic Talmud and Kabala witchcraft sorcery black magic, this is why all their Talmudic rabbis or mollas or Christian clerics or most of them are child molesters and homosexuals, this is because the Talmud instructs them to, I'll give you an exemple right now, in their Talmud they are told not to even touch blood let alone allowing blood to more or less exist in the meats they eat, this is why they go to extremes trying to drain the blood from meats like pouring salt on meats to suck up last drop of blood, but then on the other hand when a boy is circumcised the Talmudic rabbis actually suck the blood of the penises of the baby with their mouths, thats just one example of the hypocrisy in the Talmud, a point Pastor Rick mentioned here which I also have and do is to inform you of the Freemasonic influence in the organized religions, its goes for the Jews with all the sects the Christians and all their sects and the Muslims and all their sects too, the conflicts you are seeing between all these organized religions is nothing but criminal organizations and their turf wars, it has nothing to do with being God fearing from either side, you as a truthseeker you should stay as far away from these Freemasonic cults as you just can, this is my advise to you never trust a Freemason, their go to book is the Talmud Kabala you dont need that crap in your life.
Pastor Rick is an honorable man.
