“They Ended My Career To Hide The Truth About 9/11!” - Fmr Congressman C...

How anyone let alone politicians can be such traitors to their people they claim they serve as public servants to stay silent about what the Zionists did on 911 is beyond what my mind can bear thats why I personally cannot shut up about it, I have to at least try to lose some weight of my conscience from time to time because this event changed everything, everything around the world, it also gave the Zionists the confidence that if they can pull a thing like that they can get away with anything thereafter and guess what they did, it also gave the idea to other criminal regimes like the Shia molla regime to pull their own version of 911 in Iran too, a decade ago a building that was supposed to be indestructible in Tehran where all the financial records of the country were kept was engulfed in fire actually not that bad its on video for anyone to see the thing there was the fire department was not allowed to get in and put out the fire so the whole building was burning and everyone was just standing there watching it burn down doing absolutely nothing, it was bizarre I can tell you, later we found out it was the building where all financial records were kept, people are saying the Shia molla IRGC set it on fire.
Another bizarre thing happened a few years ago at a huge I think it was the biggest bank deposit in Tehran where it was robbed by some people breaking in the bank in the middle of the day and somehow they had the keys to open all the personal bank deposits of people there cleaned house and walked away and no mention in the news or anywhere else on mainstream channels but unofficial channels reported it, the robbers had access to everything no police was called no police investigation no nothing, when I was in Iran people said it must have been the spoiled sons of the elites who just wanted to have some fun some action who did it, why I brought that up is, it seems to work the same everywhere with these so called corrupt elites and their family members who can go and do anything with police escort, the same police department your tax money finance, what happened on 911 is the same thing but on a much grander scale, also have you noticed not even the North Korean leader dare touch upon this conspiracy fact, no RusPutin no Irans Supreme Whore no one but one brave leader and that was President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, he was the only one who said the truth about what happened and for that the Jesuite IRGC went after him and tried countless of time to assassinate Ahmadinejad, but it seems God have other plans for him otherwise he wouldnt be alive right now, so the elected officials have much to learn from Dr Ahmadinejad, the only former elected official I have respect for and people like the ones you see in this clip too, these are great men and women.   

Just a correction, I said after 911 the Zionists got the idea they could get away with anything, I was wrong, I meant to say, after the Zionists murdered JFK, after that they got the balls to think they could get away with any damn thing.
