Trump Greenlights ETHNIC CLEANSING in Gaza

Like any dying star at the end of an empire they all inflate out of self control confused of where it belonged and self implode what we are seeing is the soon fall of the American empire which lasted not a thousand years or five hundred years not three hundred years not even a hundred years less than that, now the question is why didnt the US empire last less than any other empire in history, I think it lacked wisdom to govern thats why, the sheer arrogance of the US politicians and their oligarchs is beyond what we have seen and learned about, even the Mongols were wiser rulers better at governing and also make friends, but I think the fall of the US empire has to do with more than just that, I personally believe the US is cursed by God because no other empire have shed more blood than the Americans have, no other empire have caused this much harm with their financial corruption around the world with their currency with printing money out of nothing and now even worse with the adoption of crypto which a third of the Americans have invested in, this is something the American people have to share the sins of, then it comes to the unholy culture they have polluted the whole world with dont take my word for it, the Bible said it first I am just repeating it, the sad thing here is only a few Americans are honest with themselves and acknowledge these facts the rest of them are way too arrogant to come in terms with what they read out loud in the Bible, yes I have no doubt the US is cursed by God for its wickedness so He made it last least of the empires and its a good thing for the Americans when their empire falls apart, its actually a positive thing for them, because then they can find time to sit down and reflect why it happened and I am convinced they will then honest to themselves for the first time and realize the Zionist ideology and all its collaborators were the actual traitors which brought them the fall of their empire, again I think they will still be grateful because then they wont have to send their tax money to a foreign country like the Zionist entity for them to have it all while the Americans cannot even have afford with basic things like quality healthcare for all so they can take care of their population to be as productive as possible and many other things you could have had if you didnt have these Zionist parasites sucking you out of things you could have used to stay healthy, with the fall of the American empire you will finally have all you should have had all this time and more, so the fall of the USA will benefit you all so dont think I am saying all this because I hate you, I dont hate you Americans, you are one of my favorite people, both MAGA folks at least those I met I liked alot, we shared the same concerns everything except one or two things, one of the things we disagreed on was combining faith in God be more Jesus like and earthly prosperity, I dont see those two things compatible, and I explained to you that Satan had found a leak in your defence on this issue and creeped in your minds but you disagreed, you said because you fought against abortion against not saying merry christmas and LGBTQP you were doing the Lords work and your belief in Jesus covered up for everything else, if thats the case why did the Bible warned the world about your Babylon the Great empire, the Bible is talking about your government and the people behind it that includes you, look all that aside, what I am saying is, dont view the fall of your empire as a negative thing, it will be good for you, you should in fact work towards it faster yourselves that way you will have saved yourself a lot of trouble and I dont mean separate as Dems and Reps, oh no that will be not the way, as states, with the same neighbors as yesterday all you need is to find the peace for the first time and figure out how to create a healthier society with the means at your disposal, what is stressing you out right now is the fact that all your politicians at Washington DC all these agents of the Zionists are depleting you bleeding you out pretending to look after you, you should look forward to the fall of the American empire, I know I do :) 
