A Sad Moment in American History

I am trying to figure out what Bernie said generally speaking that some took it as a betrayal because 95% of what he said is true, He called Trumps friend Putin as one of the most brutal dictators around, then he went to say Putin although he is popular among Russians he also pointed out why that is, and only a liar would disagree with the fact that Putin and his gang they have full control of the media in fact the whole system in Russia, thats not democracy, thats modern day a slick way of tyrannical rule a more settled one, and who know the Russian people better than their own criminal elites which Bernie also pointed out that they are robbing their own citizens, which only a liar also would disagree because its true, now this is perhaps the more important questions, why the Russian people go along with this type of corrupt elites well there are many reasons why one is for the same reason the Shia mollas of Iran is still in power, one reason for this is the simple fact that the greater population which do not simply dare go up against their own tyrants in fear of getting whacked, which Bernie also pointed out it happens all the time in these corrupt states, I wished these Soviet sycophancy is but aside be certain people who constantly praise Putin which they would never do if they actually lived there and for any reason opposed these corrupt elites, this is why I said to people reading my pieces to first before anything be honest with yourselves and stop being the manipulative hypocrites these sycophants of Putin and other corrupt leaders which if you actually gave the free choice to their subjects would in a blink of an eye choose someone else to lead them, there are I must say why people still in some way support these corrupt leaders, it starts with brainwashing to make them believe there is no other way than what they got so for safety reasons people shut their mouths keep their opposition of these leaders quite and go along with their lives as they were programmed to, this is how these corrupt elites keep people in check, so when you say someone like Putin is popular it is true but is it the whole truth, I dont think so I dont think it is, it is far from the whole truth, I personally believe these leaders are actual luciferians, not kidding, I do believe that, I dont believe for a second they are God fearing instead I believe they fear someone else more thats why they have allowed themselves to be this corrupt they are, as if they will be allowed to bring their stolen goods in the after life, nothing will bail them out on the Day of Judgement what they will get is a first class ticket to Hell exactly where the Pope is about to be sent to, when it comes to that person, I would like to see his last moments in life recorded and broadcasted for the world to see, so see and hear his last words because I heard those with a twisted minds when the angels of death come to collect their souls they scream and beg God for forgiveness so I would like to know what Popes last words is and the look of his face.

This I want to point out once and twice again and always for people reading this to stay true to yourselves, you dont have to or you should not take the side of any corrupt leader, corrupt leaders fight and argue about the wealth which does not belong to them and expect you to cheer for either of them two which only a brainless fool would do, to take the side of one corrupt criminal over another, instead keep it simple folks, root for either of them, you know if enough of us were smart enough and did just that we would have fixed all problems these losers have caused, but dummies most are to buy into the misleading arguments of these disinfo agents which want you for whatever reason to take the side of one over the other is why we keep unintentionally perhaps cheering these corrupt elites on with the heavy costs they have brought upon us all, so who also should share the blame for all this, I say half of it goes toward the dumb supporters of these corrupt elites and the other half goes to the corrupt elites and their disinfo agents, again keep it simple, dont support (any) corrupt leader, doesnt have to be harder than this, and also if you got the ability and the time, why dont you expose them all for their hypocrisy, its plenty of subject matters right there, good luck.
