Argentina President SCAMS Supporters With Crypto Rug Pull! | The Kyle Ku...
When a culture and I am not just talking about American culture I am talking about this new culture of greed that have engulfed the whole planet reached new lows as we all can see whether you live in the east or the west we are witnessing the same trend, greed combined with ungodliness you will drive any society to the ground eventually, why do I say ungodliness, well first of all this with lowering moral standards with faggot imams and faggot clergymen in other houses of worships, now the fags are forcefully infiltrating all aspects of lives even into where they should stay out of, thats also a type of greed, they think they are entitled to everything normal people have rights to, before I go on I want to say what the homos should not have access to, there are not many things just a two three things, one is, they should NOT be allowed to adopt children, not other peoples kids, that should be a no no, also not openly express their faggot feelings in Abrahamic houses of worships, if they have faggot feelings they should keep it to themselves because we dont and I think we all can agree, we dont express sexual feelings of any kind in houses of worships, it doesnt belong there, regardless of what, that should apply to the homos too as well of normal people, its jsut how it is, another thing I think no faggot parades, especially in the Holy Land like what the Synagog of Satan the Zionists are up to like they did in Sodom and Gomorah, these three things should be avoided, now lets talks about cryptocurrencies, another meaning for the word crypto is, instead of, like (anti) like Antichrist, its in the word folks ! cryptocurrency is not the real thing, its a scam, its instead of real currencies, its actually the invention of the human devils, they made it up, as I said before, I think the actual Antichrist went to the boss of all the Russians RusPutin introduced him to the idea of Bitcoin and got him and those around him on this unholy scam of a project, this is what I think happened because there are things I dont want to talk about at this moment that I was also proposed to in the early stages and I said, thanks but no thanks I pass, you folks have no idea how many times I have been presented to go along with these scam pyramid projects, each and every time I said what I say now to you reading this, stay away from this unholy conspiracies, it will end up badly and it has because now the whole world or most of it have accepted this Antichrist system and what is most disappointing is so called so many believers also have accepted the Mark of the Beast, this is why I say, ANYONE who is promoting crypto regardless if they are anti Zionists or not because of their lack of judgment can never be fully trusted, in fact they cannot be trusted because a large part of their souls are actually corruptible and it shows, so it doesnt matter if they speak good on some subject matters now and then but when it comes to the part for them to show they are not compromised, they always fail, I hope you havent failed, look I dont mind if you are an atheist an agnostic or whatever, there is no question about the fact that we have atheists and agnostics which are many times less corruptible than phony believers, of better character than many so called believers, these are my people, we want people of good character thats the first pillar of being a genuine anti Zionist you need to be be good you also must respect peoples boundaries, why go on without standing on solid ground without evidence bugging people, if you like I do that you go with what their own texts say, like when I criticize the Jews the Christians the Muslims I use their own texts against themselves, I dont say my book say that therefore you are wrong, you never saw me do that and this with crypto I am doing the same thing here because how many times have you seen with your own eyes first of all the greed, that alone should ring all your warning signs, when how many times have you seen this greed collapsing cryptos all over the place, its the same thought process going on around them all, they just kept Bitcoin up because thats the main scheme they need to keep that one up to give legitimacy for their other schemes and when the time is right they will bail out on Bitcoin too, this is why they are hyping up it constantly, its hype, its a bubble, bubbles burst eventually, thats their plan, again you do your thing we are here only to warn you of the many collapses to come soon.
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