COL. Douglas Macgregor : Fall of the American Empire
The fall of the American empire is certain as any other empire collapsed in the past, the US is not different its imminent its going to happen we are already witnessing signs of it with the distrust not only in the dollar which made the US an empire but also its ruling elites are getting so arrogant they have lost touch with reality which is pushing other nations to distrust its judgment on how to handle things America is rick its not well, Americans should look at it this way, there is a group of you Americans in a room with different political and ideological school of thoughts, in this room you all got sick you lets say got the flu all of you none of you feel good you have got both physically and mentally weakened you have mood swings talking gibberish and you dont know who to blame for the way you feel, you blame the guy to the left of you to the right of you, you dont know who to blame for the one who brought in this illness amongst you, in this situation I say all of you have to become the grownups in the room, stop talking gibberish because you have no clue who brought this flu and made you all ill you have no idea if it was intentional or not, what you should instead all of you do in a situation like this is to try to find a way to get better, thats rational not to go at each other in a weakened state opening room for others to come in and while you are busy with your internal fighting and blame game stealing your stuff, because this is what is happening right now, I say and many of you know the way the flu made you all sick was an intentional act, who they were we all know it was the Zionists, they made you sick and distracted, because what does all these politicians all these public figures have in common, they are all Freemasonic Zionists and in case you didnt get the memo you know the Zionist ideology goes before you your country your family and your American flag, these Zionists have a global agenda and they are using you to get what they want and they dont care what happens to you in the process, and if your havent lived on Mars for the last decades you know there is no way for you to get this Zionist flu out of your system because it made your system, they designed it, you cant get rid of them unless you rise up and collapse the system and start all over again with the new found real life experience you have learned by going through a divorce process from the federal state, this is the only way to free yourselves, listen this will happen eventually anyway, the Zionists know this too, you only need to be a couple of steps ahead of them not to allow them set up your new Zionist controlled system once again, or you will be in real trouble all over again.
You need to know, the Zionist movement is your mortal enemy and if you dont get that after all you have seen then whatever comes your way, blame no one but yourself for it, because the Zionist ideology is of Satan, they pretend to be of God rest assured they are all imposters, they are all followers of Satan these human devils.
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