COL. Lawrence Wilkerson : Trump Emulates Biden.
I will say this much, I think both Col Wilkerson and the ones he criticizes are both right and wrong on the question of who controls who the US or Israel or vise versa, its obvious to me that there is a cult which their political ideology is called Zionism, they are Freemasons we know this as matter of fact, they never were Atheists, you cannot be an atheist and be a Freemason, this Zionist cult which act the opposite of what the Bible teaches so this mean they worship the Devil, this satanic cult called Zionism is a borderless international satanic crime syndicate which have infiltrated all aspects of the political media finansial social institutions in the US and for now is in full control of all of it and to finalize their satanic agenda they are using the US as its sugar daddy to do so and corrupt the Holy Land, so on the question of who controls who, I think its bigger than both questions, the real question should be, why are people having this Freemasonic satanic cult ruining the whole world which the Vatican is part of this massive global conspiracy.
To a related issue, I dont think the type of Shiaism you have today is the Shiaism of a couple of centuries ago, I dont believe the Shia mollas and their idiotic cult followers prayed to their Imams and their family members, I dont saw any evidence of any of this in my research, I dont think the Shias behaved like the human devils they are today with their religious ceremonies, from what I have learned is after the Jesuits came over to Iran and Iraq thats when they changed and corrupted it all, made Shiaism into their own satanic pegan image, the Vatican is behind all this mess, Freemasonry is their handy work, when you go back in your research it all leads back to the Vatican and the Talmud.
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