I just felt I had to say something about whats going on with the Pope, of course one feels bad when you see another man you disagree with both politically religiously basically on everything under the sun and Gods green earth in a bad shape as he is right now, I dont think he has much time left therefore I strongly suggest he gets on his feet and repent pray to the God Jesus prayed to and have this talked about in his next speech for people to hear, if he does not it means he hasent repented and made it officially, you see in life there is only one thing you actually own that is yours, its your own soul and where it will be dwell is up to only one person which is the Creator, nothing else in life you own is yours, in this case you have to only think about yourself and not what people say or think about you because they wont and cant come to your rescue when you need it at most and if you are not that clever to have figured that one out yet especially in his age then I am not sorry for you if you fall the other way, now that we know this Jesuit pope who have endorsed homosexual marriages in churches and other things outside what his own scriptures and popes in the past have stayed away from I fear this popes soul is in danger, and the reason I write this at this moment is because I have personally at close very clearly seen the massive mercy of the Creator first hand when He even in the last moments of the most crooked most twisted very dark peoples lives actually give them an extra chance to reverse course and turn towards Him, I dont know why He did that, I wouldnt have done that, I would have sent them sooner to Hell and burn there for eternity, I wouldnt give them a second look doing that but also I am not Him, I dont know humans as well as He does, and He is the all wise so who am I to disagree, so I have seen the supreme mercy of Him more times than I can count first hand, now that I see this man the pope at his last days I felt like I had to inform him that with life there is hope, the hour is running away this has to be said too after that not much can be done so my advice for him is to, look after your own soul repent to the God of Jesus not Jesus himself he cant do anything for you but his Father He can do everything for you and you need to hurry up and for you to make up for old mistakes to please your Lord you need to make it official for your followers to reflect why do said what you said soit hopefully could be of help for them too, because I am telling you Pope, things are about to change radically whether you and your Jesuit buddies like it or not. 

