Israeli Kissing Head of Palestine Militant
I have been and will remain very critical towards religious texts written by men, men who should have stayed away from explaining what real holy texts like the rabbis who wrote the Talmud people like Paul and many Hadiths which is just anti Quranic, when it comes to the Jewish Talmud I am extra critical for the many reasons I have already gone through but I also now have found the time to add a little extra here by saying, we have many anti Zionist rabbis religious Jews who still believe everything in their Talmud, it must be said these Talmudic anti Zionist rabbis and religious Jews they have no intention to harm anyone as if you were not an anti Zionist Jew would read into the Talmud and act in a most unhinged most cruel in a hostile manner against non Jews like the Zionist Israeli Jews are treating the Palestinians and its no secret these Zionist Talmudic Israelis are acting from their Talmud in the way they see the rest of the human kind from, so these other anti Zionist Talmudic Jews although they do believe every word of the Talmud they interpret it a bit perhaps differently and as I said are not out to harm anyone, not steal other peoples property not out to rape and murder people and the rest of it, they are in fact very strongly opposing all that crime against humanity which these other Zionist Talmuds advocate for, so we do have two groups in that family, in my view we must invite the good side of the Jewish Talmudic family into the greater human family and leave the other part to the roam freely for now among the human devil animals I shouldnt even call them animals by insulting the natural aspect of Gods creation which is full of life full of beauty talking about all kinds of animals which the Talmudic Zionist human devils should really not be associated with in my view, these people are satanic and need to be kept far away from the rest of humanity, to everyone else who would like to join the rest of the human family I say the door always has to be open as it should be, now to another subject related to all this faith based opinions of ours you me anyone to you I have a simple advice I know if you read this will agree but will you implement it in your life well I am not so sure of that but if you did we would have solved so many problems, I am referring to you people of faith regardless of what faith you subscribe to, in my view if you want to speak about faith based subjects via the lens of your own faith your own philosophy how you reason and why that is the (correct one) that people anyone from your own family to your friends to anyone including yourself because before anything you have to be fully honest with yourself first before you share your views on things not least faith based subjects I suggest very strongly before you do any of that you need you must go out there learn most of what other faiths most other ideologies out there are preaching first educate yourself firm a strong fact based knowledge of what they all have to say then come and express your own beliefs to those around you from your family your friends to anyone else in the public, because here is the thing, 98% of you from any faith based traditions have ZERO clew of what other sects within their own faiths say other the absolute basics and more than often times even that is based of mis and disinformation because people have the tendency to lie about other sects and religious traditions, this the wolves and by wolves I mean your clergymen these cult leaders they spread these lies to make sure you dont fall out of the line to be curious what others the so called the enemy have to say what they believe, your clergymen say the everyone but us are the devils so stay away from them and dumb as many are including many other thing people are they tend to follow the orders from their wolv like cult leaders orders them to, happens all over the place, I suggest you do fall outside and see what others have to say what other sects what other religions what all of them have to say before you firm an opinion around faith based matters, because look it like this, in science no one would take you seriously if you lets say read only one single book on any subject like biology or physics and pretend you have learned it all, you would be looked as a loony, so what makes you think more intelligent people wouldnt look at you as the loony in fact a harmful one loony if you have kept yourself only to one ideology of any type out there to fully read and understand what all these have to say (then) form an opinion on what you claim you is the full God honest truth on anything, the fact is that you never get there to the full truth of anything but you can at least try not get bugged down all your life thinking you have figured it all out, this the dumbest of humans do which is the vast majority of people, you dont have to be in that category of dumb sheeps lead by wolves, I am talking to you Shias right now also, you are being lead to hellfire by your Shia mollas with what you have allowed them to program you with by having you believe you can pray to others beside God the Creator when you are in need of something, dont say you are not because you absolutely are committing shirk, you are directly praying to other people to other men and women, you are the biggest hypocrites brainwashed to say you are not when you again directly are, I am telling you, these Shia mollas are leading you directly to hellfire, they are your most deadliest enemies out there, so many times more dangerous than any Zionist can be, and by God I mean it, the Shia mollas are your worst enemies and their cronies, the way out of this fitna is for you to distance yourselves far away from the Shaytanic Shia ideology as you can, look what happened over thousand years ago have no affect on your lives today, nothing at all, zero ! what you are doing in your Shia ceremonies serve no good purpose at all whatsoever other than a mean to keep you waking up from your sleep and join the greater family who are forming what should have been formed long ago to combat Evil, this can only happen when enough of you realize because of your own ignorance on what could and should have united you all at the first place have been the cause of all corruption globally and the ones benefitting from this well its not you, its your cult leaders, because also look at this this way, you all know how damn corrupt every single of your dear leaders are, again if you are honest with yourself you know this is the truth, you know they are two faced hypocritical corrupt to their core individuals preaching one thing doing the opposite, why you still are covering for these two faced cult leaders it leads me to one conclusion, that is, you would have done the same if you were in their shoes, yes even though you say you love your country you love God you love all these good thing you still would have turned to Evil and kissed the ring when offered dont say no because you would have, and this is the final answer to what mankind or most of it really is, easily corrupted, so what is the cure you ask, in my view first you have to start being honest with yourself like God the Creator is, and I will tell you how honest He is with Himself, He is capable to manipulate anything in His existence without anyone learning about it not even the angels, yet He plays with the rules He Himself set up with without cheating, He could have cheated but He wont, He wont because thats being honorable and who is more honorable in every sense of the matter than the Creator of all things, the reason I have come to this conclusion that He (is) most honorable and is no cheater, well thats another subject matter for later to talk about, the point is, the Creator will never belittle Himself before the angels before anyone and more importantly belittle Himself before Himself, you can learn something from this and it starts with you being honest to yourself first, now the question is are you ?? hmmm
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