Jeffrey Sachs Brings Real Politics to the EU Parliament
I am not arguing Sachs is not a well versed historian on the Cold War what happened during and after it, and I am glad he says he knows a lot of people from politicians to political advisers he likes and respects, I am not arguing against that, my issue with people like Sacks is the fact that when one spend too much time with the political advisers Sachs brought up here that kind of environment with highly morally corrupted individuals will come to affect ones judgment on how to go about things in the future, one is the issue around this two state solution which is no solution in anyones right mind which Sachs keeps bringing up and also lie about how popular it is, let me tell you among what kind of people this idea is popular, with politicians and you know why, I'll tell you why, a couple of reasons, one reason is because they ALL know there is no other solution but peace in the Holy Land and they ALL also know its not going to happen anytime soon, so in order to stay RELEVANT to be invited to gatherings like this one and on podcasts they are FORCED to push this idea not to be alienated by LARGE part of the establishment, and I mean LARGE part of the establishment, these guys like Sachs are not outsiders, they are a part of the System, on the border line, they like to keep a foot inside and a foot outside the borders of the System so they have to play nice at times and this topic of a two state monkey business is part of that begging to be part to have a role to play inside the System, this is easily proven, look where Sachs is giving his speech at, at the EU Parliament, can it be more establishment than this ? case proven, my point here is this, no good solutions to anything can ever come out of anything near the System of power, this is because Big Money makes all the decisions and people like Sachs are ONLY allowed to give such speeches there to give some kind of legitimacy to the System, other than that people like Sachs serve no other purpose, he is there people like him are there to give legitimacy to the Babylon Tower of Babylon System, I mean just look at the damn building folks its the replica of the unholy of the most unholy, the Tower of Babylon, you think anything productive can ever come out of that unholy System to cure the problems in the Holy Land, you must be out of your mind if you think that, sorry to say but you are, so that is one purpose of it, to waste your time because they know what they are proposing will never be, this in my mind is most evil because we or not I but perhaps you are made to believe people like Sachs have the solutions to to problems, you place your trust in him and those like him, you do that ignorantly while time is wasted I hope it hasnt left your attention that scores of people are getting genocided by the Zionists in the Holy Land, just keep that on your mind think about it, because for how long have you heard from the likes of Sachs this with a two state fuckery, for decades and have anything got better or got worse, again case proven, this is because as I said we are wasting time with these people who have surrounded themselves with politicians who as i have explained to you, not actually public servants but servants of the numbers, look what the numbers did to Cori Bush and Jamal Bowman, two real heros in my mind, they spoke the truth and paid for it with the Numbers came after them, thats the people you need to hear more of not likes of Sachs, I am optimistic we will have more of Cory Bushes and Jamal Bowmens in the future with this new generation on the rise but until then lets not waste time with these Sachs, because they are actually harmful with the things they propose and do and you shouldnt listen to them at all, you might say why I dont mention other wars other conflicts elsewhere because sure hell the whole planet is in disorder mildly said, the reason is I believe when with Gods help the Zionists have been sent back to whatever the hellhole they crawled out of the Holy Land we will automatically have world peace, this is why you all should pay extra attention to helping solving this issue there, its called the Holy Land for a reason you know, hope you know, people like Sachs they have no clue of what you and I are talking about, because this with the recommendations of God have you ever heard him ever mention a word about because I havent, and it is a religious war but against the Abrahamic religions, its actually a war between Good vs Evil and I hope I wish you want the good side to win, so what are those simple recommendations of God, one is, the Holy Land must not be divided, in fact it has never been divided in the past, sure empires came and occupied it, thats fine, and the irony here is with each empire occupying the Holy Land from the Christians to the Muslims, right after the war people on both sides were civilized enough to let people of all faiths to live in peace without getting genocided, well the Muslims honestly were better at it than the Crusaders but nothing comes close to the most evil ones the Zionist occupying it today, we have never seen anything as uncivilized this cruel this wicked this despicable as the Zionist Talmudic phony Jewish ones over there now, this is unprecedented, I unlike the Sachs I will take the recommendation of God and go with that over whatever the hell these idiots have to push on the mindless people, and I bet you all I bet you my life there will be no two state anything in the Holy Land but a liberated Holy Land then you all need to interview likes of the Sachs and say what he have to say then that idiot, hate people like that.
Ok people gotta go and chill for a while before my blood pressure skyrockets I am telling you these bitches are bad for my health, so what have we learned today, have learned we have to support Cori Bush and Mr Jamal Bowman we have also learned that the Sachs sucks and never to promote a two state whatever, thats the lesson for today, now I have to go and earn a living like normal people do because I refuse to kiss the damn Ring of Evil and when you refuse you have to work for a living, peace out.
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