Jihadist motivation in Munich attack, German prosecutors say | BBC News
I think people shoulndt politicize these events if they love their countries because otherwise you wont ever come to a constructive conclusion and judging from what we have seen from all parties we can surely say things have worsen politically and no sound solutions have been presented, this all sids need to heed and follow, now to what measures has to be taken, you have two places you have to keep your eyes open at, one is those who are seeking asylum and the other place is those already in society, the society part is more difficult to identify the bad ones, for that more difficult measures has to be taken but lets start here with the easy the simple place to start first and take the society part for later, were you should sart is the asylum centers, thats the easy part and I have presented how to go about that, that one you can be stricter because after all you have to make sure what kind of person you want to let in your house dont you, sure you do, so you have to strictly screen the person and if things checks out then you can feel secure letting the person in, so no controversies there I think, its logical all parties should agree on, on the second hand those already in society thats more difficult how to identify them and catch them before they do harm, one way i strongly suggest is for the state to set up in this case gather a whole bunch of Islamic scholars of all sects, have them all sit down and all agree on which satellite channels what social media channels which insite these young lost people to do what they do and block these channels domestically and if anyone for any reason still find to go and visit these channels on regular basis has to be punished somehow, but these restrictions should be done only in this case by Islamic scholars from lets say Germany with state approval for it to have legitimacy among Muslims in Germany because their own learned scholars from all sects agreed on these measures, if you do that you will both give legitimacy to the measures and it will be most productive very efficient to in a democratically block these harmful channels from abroad.
Think about it its a good idea.
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