MAX Blumenthal : Zelenskyy on the Ropes
I am not criticizing the Judge here but more and more i find some of his guests who yesterday were anti establishment now going full in and praising this administration, you might turn around and say well we have to give credit where credit is due I have no problem with encouraging people when they do good deeds we want people to do more and more good deeds thats not the issue here, the issue is when you with your praises make the bad deeds of in this case this Trump administration be forgotten or overlooked with your high praises and this is causing much damage its a set back for the criticism of their destructive policies to gain more ground, as you know, its much easier to destroy something than rebuilding, it takes much more time much more (efforts) to restore order after disorder which always leads to loss of lives, right now people are praising the Trump admin to rolling down the support to the neo nazis in Ukraine, sure they are sons of bitches no doubt of that they are also Zionist on top of their son of a bitchism, but the Soviet regime of RusPutin is just as bad who would disagree with that, they all are sons of bitches, no good guys here and if you say one is good the other is bad which many of the Judges guests are claiming well lets be honest they have no credibility of being honest reporters or analysts, my problem here is, now we have another dimension of hypocrisy here, not just these two corrupt to their core regimes with Zelenski and RusPutin but also the hiper corrupt Trump admin as Zionist as the previous two ones who on one hand is whining down the war in Ukraine which without doubt will lead to the Soviets taking more and more ground from the Ukrainians but also is pumping massive amount of munitions to the Zionist entity hundreds of MOABS which the Zionists will NOT use on Gaza or the West Bank but are saving them for neighboring countries for the future war to come, this the Judges guests with their high praises of the Trump admin is minimizing the effect of because thats where the danger lies, these weapons are pumped in the hands of the Zionist regime for expansion purposes for more and more wars of aggression, for more problems to come and these guests with their high praising of the Zionist Trump admin is drawing attention away from these dangers, look folks, even Satan from time to time say logical things (in his twisted mind) and naive people with little faith on God or no faith take the so called logical thing Satan say from time to time and go with it, go with it and build a twisted philosophy around it a whole new ideology with it, we see that all the time with new cult leaders coming out of the shadows which say they are somethign say they stand for something they even write books and detail their reasoning why but in reality they are the exact opposite of they said their were, I have proven to you of this with many cult leaders like Stalin who claimed he was an atheist who murdered Christians for believing in God when he in fact was a Freemason and as you know you must believe in a higher power to be accepted as a Freemason and when you have reached the 33 degree you know your master is the dark lord Satan, so it doesnt matter what these communists said what fancy ideas they preached about, none of this matters when you learned they were lying to about who they were from the beginning, same conclusion should be applied here, you know Trump you know Musk are both Freemasons, their whole families are and you know they come from a crooked families all of them, who would even question this, only a naive fool would, and what makes you think these crooked ones have your best interest in mind or anyone elses but their own cult followers and their own agenda, this is why I always say, things must be faith based, leaders you can trust has to be faith orientated and when they preach something and do the opposite when you start dig deeper into who they were you always find the Freemasonic angle there, thats when your alarm bells should ring and when it doesnt then something is definitely wrong with you, if you give praises to a hypocrite a liar a person who have nothing positive to say about anyone but those who constantly praises you then there is something wrong with your overall judgment, you should look at the mirror stare back at you and if you are not ashamed of yourself then something is wrong with you, you are not consistent you are all over the place.
I am telling you, a bigger war is coming they are preparing for it and its all a conspiracy from all sides, only the complete truth can set mankind free from these devils and human devils, human devils should not be praised in any way, they are easy to identify, they are all around you, the question is, you wanna be part of them or walk with actual opposition, only a misguided one would like to have a foot in either, which is the case with too many so called truthseekers people think they can stay relevant that way or more relevant what they are doing is to aid evil in its destruction of humanity, this is what it will come down to, we are so used to it by now we dont see the difference between what is what anymore, anyway good luck with everything, this is not going to end well.
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