Prof. Jeffrey Sachs : Can Riyadh Bring Peace?
I deem Judge Napolitano a good and honest man, a force for good for what is just and fair with good judgement on things, something I cannot say about all his guests, I am not saying some of his guests are bad I am saying they lack good judgement like the Judge himself, when Sachs say with a grin on his face that 95% of the world is for a two state solution this is disinformation, I would argue 95% of the world is against the two state solution certainly not the Muslims, we want the imposter unholy Zionist Israeli Jewish entity wiped out totally and sent to Hell where it belongs, we are not compromising on this, we want it gone, the only ones who are for this unholyness is the politicians who Sacks cannot get enough to such their ballsacks off, sorry for saying that but this man is NOT a force for good, he is prolonging the suffering of the people in the Holy Land, the reason we didnt vote for Biden was for Trump to come in and get this final war started already not to prolong the suffering of people and waste our lives, we want action on the matter, and I think the Zionists are in agreement on that so someone like Trump is needed to get some action going, thats why we preferred him over Biden and I think many Palestinians agree with me, we were not under any illusion that trump would bring peace to the Holy Land, not a man of his character, and we dont need people like the Sachs to give false hopes of something that will still never happen anyway, only a corrupt fool would want to divide up the Holy Land into two unholy entities, the Zionist Israeli one and the phony Palestinian one, just as unholy, the Holy Land will never be divided up, I bet you my head on this, as I said I bet you all my life on this, its not happening so give it up, this much all Believers want and will have materialized for them, the Holy Land will be unique where both the good Jews the good followers of the Christ and the good Muslims will have residency in with the extremists so far from its borders they cant even get the pictures of it on the Internet because they all will be sent to Hell where there is no Internet, the Sachs is full of shit.
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