Russian Man Does an Amazing Job Defending Islam on Live TV

I want all you Muslims who defend Putin and his corrupt government to open your eyes and look around a bit before you say Putin is a friend of you an ally of you Muslims, he is NOT, this is the same Putin the same Russia who are in every way supporting the far right parties individuals politicians leaders in Europe who are openly Islamophobes with deep hatred for you, Putin is playing both hands here and you are the dumb pawn to believe he is on your side, I kind of understand why your Islamic leaders still have relations with this enemy of you Muslims and his country but you as citizens you must not give any heedence any kind of support for this Putin and his government, in fact you should do anything to isolate him and his supporters, I say it again, Putin would sell you Muslims out in a heartbeat if he could and he has already done it but for some damn reason you dont open your eyes and see for yourself.
