Steve Bannon Gives UNHINGED DEFENSE Of Israel at CPAC

I hope the conservative America first folks fully or even partly understand what wolves shepherding them around to do the will of course the Zionists, who are NOT America first, but the unholy imposter satanic entity occupying the Holy Land, take this Bannon guy, this is why I cant fully get these MAGA cult followers, after Bannon swindled them of the 20 million wall donations they still as you all can see cant get enough of him and Bannon is the not the tenth one its the whole Zionist controlled cult organization which control both parties, the whole System is crooked, take this Ukraine war, the US and the Europeans they initiated it installed a faggot actor as for president to sell them the war so that the US weapon manufacturers which are owned by Zionist banksters families to set any price on the weapons "given. donated" to the Ukrainians who everyone knew would lose ground the war in the end then for either US admin to come in and end the war then to demand Ukraine to (pay) for all these hyper expensive highly overpriced weapons to be paid for like these idiot Iraqis are still paying for 20 years after they got "liberated", I personally believe this Ukraine Russia war was all scripted from the get go between the US and Putin, I think Putin and the US are more than friendly friends, I believe you all have been fooled to believe this is a struggle between the US and Russia, its all bullshit, its all scripted, the sad thing here is, millions of our best and bravest are paying with their lives which I also think is the one of the purposes of these wars, they Freemasons do this to get rid of the true revolutionaries those whom can pose a threat to the International Freemasonic Satanic NWO System.
So what have we learned today boys and girls, we have learned, never ever trust a Zionist, thats nr one rule, nr two rule is, do not trust their oppositions either, nr three rule here is, have faith its going to be alright if you follow the first two rules.
