'Suspected attack' in Munich will have severe consequences says Germany'...

I hope European leaders read this, I have a solution here that will work, before you even allow immigrants to walk your streets this is what you have to do, you put them all in a big nice camp closed off to the rest of society, in that camp it has to be nice because you dont want to give people bad impression, so the place has to be kind of big open and inviting, there you set up cameras and have full surveillance on the behavior of each individual there, you follow their every move what they do what they say all of it, then you have psychologist evaluate if they are up to any good use for society if they get allowed to walk the streets, and you have extra attention on single guys, if I were you I wouldnt even consider young males having any chance to get in the country to begin with, they should go back to their own countries and contribute there instead, or if they are highly educated people of good use sure then they can apply for asylum but must still go through the screening in the camp first, everyone has to be evaluated and must pass the test, if you find people questionable you send them back no questions asked, after they are allowed in society you give them a certain amount of time to very competently learn the language no messing around, they even have to get the dialect right too not just the language, and in this time they must get a job and get busy or else they get deported back again no question asked, you have to be strict folks about these things, sure you need people but they have to be of good use right away and they have to be psychosocially sound too, you cant play around with these things, thats what I would have done with them.
