The beef between Khabib and the Chechen warlord: EXPLAINED.

I can say this much to Muslims, do not be naive when you see the Pimp of Moscow RusPutin kissing the Holy Quran you know he did it for the optics so he could send Chechen Muslims to their deaths for his and his buddies personal benefit, and when it comes to Kadyrov he is known to to spend time in the Emirates on yachts with prostitutes snorting coke, both Putin and Kadyrov are highly corrupt individuals, why some people look up to these two I have a hard time going through the thought process of it it just makes me scratch my head, Khabib should stay on his own two legs and say bismillah, Khabib could be a leader in his right self, no need to be associated with corrupt self serving criminal cult leaders.
I can also go on to say another thing here, I know Putin is not liked among the Iranians in Iran, I didnt meet not one person who had one thing positive to say about him, people hated him, time will come when all Believers will boycott the Russian ruling elites, over 2 billion Muslims will boycott them for using the Muslims to fight and die for them, Iran when the Shia mollas have been thrown in the trashcan will reevaluate everything with the Soviets together with the Islamic world and all Believers as I said, everyone will, wont have many friends at that time. 
