The Danger of Learning Zohar

When he say there is a mental hospital in Israel filled with morons who have lost their minds learning the Zohar and Kabala is because, its NOT the names of angels people worded but the names of demons, you have to understand the language these Talmudic rabbis use, when they say angels they mean demon, when they say the Jesus in the Talmud and his mother they slander is not the Jesus and Mary we know but some other Jesus and Mary you need to understand they are once again lying when they say they are evangelizing people their belief they are lying again, the Talmuds have indeed converted hundreds of millions into their core belief when they secretly spread their Talmud through the Freemasons and through the Scofield bible the Talmuds converted hundreds of millions of Protestants into Zionism in the US and other places, they even converted the Japanese with their Buddhism and the other pegan beliefs into the Zionist movement, in fact no other group have been so successful converting this amount of people in such short time, now going back to what the Kabala and Zohar does to you if you go that route, as I mentioned its NOT angels you are dealing with but the demons, and a wise man once said, if 1% of the intentions of demons these devils are honest 99% is deceptive and malicious and weak minded fools who get tempted by the teachings of the Kabala and its Zohar these demons will have their fun with you drive you insane, I am telling you folks, never ever support anyone who have anything positive to say about a Zionist, even if some of these people are themselves so called anti Zionists, because a true anti Zionist is fully awakened to the danger a Zionist poses to the planet, if you want to remain true to the cause you need to be strict about this issue and not waver for a moment, you need to be a rolemodel a trustworthy one, you shouldnt be distracted of what you might lose and win, being an anti Zionist is a lifestyle in my opinion you have to follow through carry on be strong because at the end only the strong prevail and become victorious, and also, God doesnt like hypocrites, thats very important, why do you think God has kept me alive, because I am one stubborn son of a fish thats why I am not changing course, I want to see myself as an anti Zionist to the bone, what will you be ?? are you a son of a fish too or not, you too ??    
