The Qur'an and the Secrets of Magic

Jews who go near the Talmud let alone the teachings of Kabala have betrayed the true Torah and thereby God, so await the punishment of God, ohh He already did by allowing the Jews to set up this imposter Zionist entity in the Holy Land.
I also want to say this about the Shia Muslims specifically who still think these Shia mollas are true believers, there are two categories of you, the first are the naive mainly uneducated about the worldly who is who and what is what, all they have learned is about their own sect from the day they were born and thats more or less all they know and the other things they have learned or heard is from the dirty manipulative mouths of the Shia mollas, this first category are the sheeps on their way to slaughterhouse, like when Khomejni sent you to in the Iran Iraq war without training you without any support only gave you an AK47 and sent you out to die with a plastic key to the heaven around your necks, to you I say you are NOT patriotic today in this day of age when information is right in your hands you can do a quick research for anything to educate yourself about what the Holy Quran says and what you see with your own eyes how these Shia mollas and their watch dogs the IRGC have corrupted your society in every sense possible, you are the dumb frogs in the pan slowly allowing yourselves to be killed, unless you rise up and save yourselves, and the way to do that is first of all and I am serious about this, you need to get on your  knees and beg for forgiveness from your Maker for all the wrong things you have done, you need to get your theology corrected, I wouldnt dare say you are not Muslims because God have clearly said we are not allowed, this is so that there wont be divisions created among the Islamic ummah, what I can clearly tell you is this Shiaism is NOT Islam, its something straight from the dirty mouths of devils, there is no doubt about that, this one you must get straight first, you need to diminish the influence of these satanic Shia mollas first, this has to be your first and most crucial task, these are your enemies, these are the enemies of God, you must not have anything to do with these Shia molla human devils, this means you have to return to the Holy Quran and turn your back on everything the shia mollas wrote down on what this imam or that imam said, we dont know what who said, this is the truth of the matter, the safest course of action is to go back to the Holy Quran, you Shias are doing the same mistake the Jews made by listening to their brainwashed rabbis with their Talmud and the Christians with what Paul said, you need to go back to the basics stay there make things less complicated this will unite our peoples of faith this will open their eyes to the truth that we all worship the same Creator and not least this will open your eyes to what is lurking in the shadows conspiring to take you all down one by one, if you allow them they will be the end of you all and make no mistake, we are nearly there as we speak, dont trust the words of the phony peacemakers out there, these are part of the grand deception directed directly from the shadows, again go back to the basics stay there till further notice. 
