Think Israel Is Bad? Wait Until You See Its Society!

And you still question why the Jews have been the most hated people in human history, why wherever they went to they were eventually kicked out after they had corrupted that society, they are indeed the Synagog of Satan and this Synagog of Satan is in charge of the Zionist MAGA movement in the US and its media and the governments and media of the European countries and all its institutions, its not a left and right issue here, whoever covers for the Zionists movement are the servants the slaves of this Synagog of Satan, here is the truth of it just so dont get the message in a wrong way, its not in their Jewish DNA that makes them wicked and evil as people, thats not it, the Ashkenazi Khazars they are not Jewish yet they are of the Synagog of Satan now, you and I would become turn into Synagog of Satan like the rest of them if we also followed the Talmud the Zohar Kabala and all these satanic texts, any one of us could become as twisted and evil as anyone who gets affected by these satanic teachings and traditions, so its not in their DNA their ethnicity because as I said the Ashkenazis are no Jews, what makes you a Zionist Israeli and as despicable as they are from these satanic verses which have come to corrupt the so called followers of Jesus, I bet my head on if Jesus were here he would have told these Zionist Christians to go to hell next to their slave masters the Zionist Talmuds and Satan and burn there forever and ever, God willing, unless you reverse your stance see the evil Zionism for what it is and repair the damage you have done in the past by supporting the Synagog of Satan.
