Vatican: Pope Francis ‘condition remains critical’

0:48, this is what I have come to think, a Jesuit will always remain one with little hope of rescuing themselves from the bottomless pit they are destined to, now why do I say this at this moment when we are to be kind nice and thoughtful, thoughtful of what I ask, I am NOT saying here to my Catholic friends to take what my faith say about things as gospel I am telling you asking you to use your own texts and ask what the hell is going on because in this day of age there shouldnt be no more excuses of ignorance and blind faith following, back in the days one could blame on the clergies and their manipulations of the masses not today is my point, you dear Catholics you need to ask yourselves why there is even an obelix in the middle of your Vatican the hollies of holiest according to your ideology, an obelix is a (pegan) Egyptian symbol of you know what and if you are that ignorant its a symbol of the penis of their pegan egyptian god, its also a Freemasonic symbol what I am saying is, its a symbol of everything unholy which now these Jesuits have portrayed the picture of your most holy man alive your pope on that symbol of an Egyptian gods penis, as I said in this day of age you Catholics have no excuses to brush away what is on display for all to see, and you need to ask yourselves what the hell is going on with these who are representing you because I am telling you, these people are the most unholy creatures you see, they are NOT representing Jesus they are NOT representing God the Creator they are doing the Devils work, hate me for telling you the truth for all I care, all I care is to inform you of reality and if I can save only one single of you I have completed my mission, I am serious, my job is to save one of you and two and above is a bonus and I am a capitalist a fair one so I welcome fair bonuses, I'll take that.
