What Will Happen to Satan When the Messiah Comes? - Rabbi Tovia Singer
Look this subject matter proves to anyone with a sound mind that the whole Talmudic philosophy is backwards made up and from times when people didnt knew better who just followed what their corrupt religious clergymen brainwashed them with, this is not from God the Creator, but again I let you decide if this makes sense to you or not and your answer will determine if you are an intelligent logical person with a sound mind or not, here he says in other words his Talmud say, the concept of freewill couldnt have not come to be if God didnt create the author of the Talmud Satan, in other words you and I we would have been some kind of robots if God didnt create this guy Satan, and also all the living intelligent beings in the universe would also never had come to be if again this singular guy wouldnt have been created, in other words God the Creator is not able to have the world the whole existence run as it is now if this guy Satan wouldnt have been existed, if you pay close attention to what the satanic talmud is saying here is, God have a weakness, He "had to" create this guy for everything to run smoothly as it is today, one could argue it is actually running smoothly or not, I say it is running as it should be run, because who likes to be surrounded by robots, you anyone would rather have vibrant living beings running their lives exactly as they would be without interference, wouldnt you say or would you rather have a dictator run your lives for you, people shoulnt complain they should think before they speak on these matters without being hypocritical, God the Creator is no dictator, He placed us on perhaps one of the most beautiful planets with everything we need and then some to see how we would treat this gift, the gift of life the gift of everything with our own free will, well we have seen what people have done with this gift, some out of their minds people are still under the impression they own this gift, as if it was their own, as if they will take it with them in their graves, well these people will have a rude awakening very soon.
The Quranic explanation of creation is what makes most sense and the worshipers of Satan know this best too because they are not disputing it.
We are told, God the Creator created the world from one single tiny point, then He explains He expanded it and formed it into what we have today, He also explained we are not alone in the Universe, He told us there are those in the sky right above our heads who are doing His will for Him, the way He explains it it sounds to me He is not talking about the interdimensional beings, He is talking about atom based beings, like us, then He goes to explain He also created the interdimensional beings He calls the unseen, in Arabic the word is Jinn, we are told they like all other creatures also have free will (naturally) even my cat have freewill, but according to the Talmud my cat in fact no living beings would have freewill if this satan moron wouldnt have been created, anyways, God then goes on to say this Satan guy He calls Eblis is of the race of the unseen, the Jinns in Arabic, we are also told these Jinns are very much like us, they consume foods, they have family structures likes ours, they wear cloths like us, they born children they live and they die, after a couple of hundreds of years, and the best of these Jinns were this guy Eblis you know as Satan, Satan comes from the Semitic word Shaitan or shaiaten, which means devil, by devil we mean those Jinns who are evil, not all of them are evil doers, they like us have freewill, I would actually go on to say, we have more human devils (bad humans) than bad Jinns, our race is dumber and therefore more of a evildoers percentage wise than they are, so this Eblis was the best of them, he was so good that he even was granted the privilege to mingle with some of the angels, what happened was like God the Creator always do, he tests His subjects, and so He did with Eblis, God created a new being from lower beings, apes, but difference between all other intelligent beings in His existence was that He had a part of His own soul in the primitive body of Adam and told all the higher angels and the group of Jinns which Eblis was the leader of to prostate and show respect to Adam, all did except Eblis who said, i am not doing that, i am better than Adam, you created me from fire ( a kind of light) and You created Adam from dust clay (atoms) thats what Eblis said, and God said, ohh is that so, you playing wiseguy here before Me, I'll show you whazup monkeyboy, get out of here (higher heavens, some other dimension) to a lower one, on his way out Eblis asked God to grant him more life to the Day of Judgment to show Him Adam and his descendants are not worthy of His attention, and we know how much God value freewill so He granted Eblis wish to test mankind and here we are today, thats all there is to it folks, the Talmudic whatever it has to say about anything is absolute nonsense, its actually the handywork of this guy Satan himself and his little devils and human devils, dont believe a word of it, also, any damn book that say nasty things about Jesus rest assured I will take an issue with it, because now it goes on to offend insult everything I believe in, so naturally we have a problem here, either my story line is true or theirs and I say my is closer to the truth than theres, the truth is I cant believe anyone even believing in the Talmud with how nonsensical it sounds, as I have explained to you before this is the short version of how the Jewish holy texts are of, first they have the Torah which is partly corrupted, I dont have to go into all that I have done so I have pointed to its insites, then you have the Talmud which "explains" the corrupt parts of the Torah because its just so nonsensical so you need to confuse people further to take them down the rabbit hole further there to brainwash them and mess with their minds gaslight them to the point they follow and believe things that they know doesnt add up only just go along with it as good boys of the cult, the Talmud "explains" nature of things in the Torah in other words, again falsely, then you have the kabala which goes on to (teach) you how to control this twisted nature of things the Talmud explains, one of the things the Talmud tells you is that this god of everything, he is not fully conscious, he can be controlled to do your bidding if you know how to go about these secret ways which the Kabala "teaches" you, the truth here is, what Kabala is all about is how to have Eblis the grand devil to appoint one of his devil servants to you as companion to do what corrupt things you want help with and in return you have to do something for this devil, some of you wonder why so many Jews are noble scientists winners, what most of you do not know is that (all) of these Jewish scientists were also accultists, every single one of them were, what I am telling you is, they are not these geniuses you think of them, they were all getting help assistance from these devils, all these Jewish scientists were into kabala, look it up they all were, I am not saying they were dummies all of them, what I am saying they got help guidance to get where they got, thats the truth of it, and everything Israel has comes from industrial espionage theft and not least, foreign aid in the trillions, I mean with all this corruption even the dumbest men the most primitive ones would have got somewhere in this world.
Thats the lesson for today boys and girls, I say it again, dont take a word of what the Talmud has to say as valid or constructive, its not, if you are a Jew who wants to be a good person to be a good servant of your Maker, first of all dont go anywhere near the Talmud, instead ask God to guide you in His own way and I wish you all the best in your journey of discovery of new good constructive things which unite you with the rest of mankind which are your extended family, that family is what will make you grow as a good person useful to Gods creation, good luck.
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