You know they say the eyes of a person is the gateway to his soul, I dont know about you I can say this much, Thump those eyes of his I see emptiness I see someone who is so evil the Devil have confidence in him to do as he is instructed, Thrump is a psychopath nothing good can come out of a person with his personality, you are most incompetent to think this man is capable of being a good public servant, all he ever have done and is doing to first of all serve his dark lord and towards the promises they made to him, if you think otherwise anything less than that you should keep your opinions to yourself because if you share otherwise what you have to say you are harming the minds of those even hearing you, do yourself and everyone in fact do humanity a big favor and stay silent and do less harm that way, here is what I see is going on, I believe every word Thrump says he means it, he is not playing fourth dimension chess with anyone, he is too dumb for any of it by now at the age he is in, right now like an old one dimensional programmed bot he is, all he have in his mind is his age old evil programming, all he knows now especially now that he doesnt have to do political rallies to lie about what he is all about he now can only concentrate on every second of his term to drive the agenda he was programmed of doing without wasting time, you better believe when he say he want to own Gaza and just take it he means it, this is what Satan promised him as reward for pushing the whole Middle East into chaos so that the Zionist entity can expand further by collapsing the state all around it, Thrump will use the US military to bomb all opposing regimes in the Middle East including Jordan Egypt Iran you name it he will, you will have a massive war on your hands soon with this fuck face, and he and his Zionist buddies will at the beginning succeed, despite what he programmed you naive people that he is a man of peace he will instead set the whole Middle East on fire, this he must do because this is what he was made to do this is his whole purpose and at the end of it he wont get anything of what he was promised either, there wont be any damn Thrump hotel in the Holy Land he wont get a penny from the gas under it, all he will get is a big stick right up his ass, he will also cause the collapse of the US and the Zionist entity and anyone else who aided the Devil, and here is the funny part, the Devil he know all this will happen, all he seeks is to inflict as much pain on the children of Adam as he can before he and those who followed him are sent to eternal hellfire, so what is the real purpose of this all, I say there can only one party who will be victorious because even the Devil knows he is of the losing party, he just didnt made that clear to those who are following him.

I say to those reading this, have no fear of this old dumb ape Thrump, fuck him, he is not a tough guy are you kidding me, the average guy on the street is ten times more of a tough guy than this dumb dump, you know its true, he is an actor a pussy a chicken a noody a fucking loser lol
Look he has a role to play and he is playing it thats all there is to it so let him do his thing and let others do their thing and we will see whose thing is better, as I said, there wont be any damn Thrump fucking hotel in the Holy Land and when everything is said and done the only thing that will bear his name in the Holy Land will be the dumping ground for garbage a recycling center shit like that lol this much you can bet on its going to happen :) 

