Col Doug Macgregor: Trump Liberated US from the Stupidity of Waging War ...
I hope you folks are awakened enough to see what is happening here with these disinfo agents pretending to be something else, look here is how you spot these NWO agentsm yes NWO agents, first of all whatever is unholy they promote, thats one way to recognize these agents, I bet you all, when time comes for the world to be divided in at least three spheres of influence the American the Soviet one and the Chinese one these disinfo agents will say anything to convince you this is good for the sake of peace, you will start hearing alot of this peace thing in the coming years, many things will be done in the name of this totalitarians and the peace they seek, its a kind of peace you see today where if you dare speak up in these totalitarian dictatorships they kill you imprison you send you to their gulags for a couple of years, thats the kind of peace they are promoting people, make no mistake of this, these are not peace makers, these are not God fearing people on the contrary infcat, these Freemasonic dictators they have these Islamic Christian whatever clergymen as hostages to make these Luciferians look legitimate, I mean what Islamic clergyman would ever give his blessing to a killer a Freemason a highly morally corrupt leader like Putin someone who promote crypto, who would in their right mind stoop so low to do such a thing, only an equally corrupt sellout to Satan, these are not God fearing clergymen, they are agents of Satan, so who cares who and what they endorse, dont get confused folks, dont get misled here these people they know what they are saying what they are doing and they say and do according to the script they were signed on to, so dont get fooled when they criticize the Zionist Israel of course they have to if they didnt they would have an audience on this side to manipulate, think about it, they criticize the Zionist Israel at the same time they shill for the other side of Zionism and their leader, they are playing good cop bad cop here.
I know we dont live in a perfect world you dont have to tell me that, I have seen and lived it at close, I have seen the real ugly side of all these cults these disinfo agents shill for, I have seen the satanic side of the Shia mollas, I have seen the satanic side of Hezbola of the Shia Iraqi cults the satanic side of the ones in charge of Sweden the Jesuites the Russian side the Sunni Wahabi Salafi side, you name it I have seen the actual I wouldnt even call it corrupt in a casual way anymore, its pure Satanic, as they worship Eblis Satan, and I mean it letter by letter I am not just throwing words around, these cults these disinfo agents promote are hellish to their core and as you know they have their clergymen prompting them standing side by side with these satanic criminals which all I must say are in the drug trafficking human trafficking i have even shown you documentaries about the Shia molla prostitution rings protected by the highest Shia clerics in Iraq from Ali Sistani to the rest of them, I have shown you all this, you know Putin is a pimp himself, you know how morally corrupt Thrump is, how down to hell corrupt and evil they all are and I have informed you, they seek to divide the world in at least three parts, the American the Soviet and the Chinese spheres of influence, when it comes to Europe, they really dont trust Europe as much because Europe is actual divided, half of these countries population is on either side of between the US side and the other half on the Soviet Chinese side, and these NWO monkeys they know they cant trust or control Europe they have excluded Europe from their grand plans, at least for now, here is the thing, if I was forced to pick a side here, if I was really forced to take a side here I would take the side of Europe, but not a wounded Europe, an Europe telling both sides to go and fuck themselves, I am also not naive, I know it would require a miracle to have Europe united after how these NWO assholes made it sick weak by injecting their Zionism into it, this is what made Europe sick and weak, the Zionist ideology, its a cancer which has to be removed, its keeping us down, we dont need that here or anywhere else, anyway it would be a long discussion to go into all that for now, what I am telling you is this much, all this discourse by these disinfo agents is designed to weaken you here in Europe in fact in all countries that includes Russia to Iran because these discussions are not to be seen or heard by their population it is designed for YOU ! to confuse you to prepare you to accept this NWO of "peace" these three powers have in stored for you naive people by these ungodly human devils, mark my words people, this is what is happening, its all a big scam a big puppet show, they can go and fuck themselves, dont take the bait, these people are up to no good, I can assure you, they have not the blessing of God because all they do everything they say and do is anti Scripture and if you cant see that, you have bidded and aided the Luciferians and I hope you go to Hell for it.
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