
Showing posts from November, 2023

Just Watch It

Dear President Erdogan !

Israeli Sniper Headshot Palestinian Boy

Not In Good Faith

Judge Andrew Napolitano

Ukraines Post War Nato Membership

Mr George Galloway

Ukraine Lost

Zelenski The Zionist Agent

Just Watch It

Hypocracy On Display

Tulsi Gabbard Sold Out

My Eyes Are Fixed At The Door

Keep Staying Alive

Reconsider Your Choices

Shaytanyaboo Must Stand Trial

Zionism Is A Costly Affair

Specially For Irland

Promote The One State Solution !!!

Truth Hurts

We Can Do Better Than This

Problem Solving Sunny

The Khazar Theory Is Not A Theory

It Doesn't Look Good

Join The Resistance !

We The 99% Against Zionism

The Final Countdown

Blood Profile

This Was Encouraging

The Zionist Israelis Are Doomed

Zionist Israeli Vandals

Good Tidings, The Zionists Lost The War

We Have Seen This Before

Poisonous Waters

Another Hateful Zionist Prick

Reza The Lying Ugly Duck Of The Pahlavis

Zionist Censorship Failing

Heed My Warning

He Shouldn't Have Said That

Angels Of Gaza

Demonic Israeli Settlers

Zionist Murderous Drama Queens

IDF Is Guilty Of Killing Jews

Down With Zionism

Zionist Israeli Infiltration Attempts

Fuck You AIPAC

I like nice people doing nice things

The Great Manipulator

United Against Zionism We Are

The real People of the Book

IDFs Weak Propaganda

Zionist Israeli Settler Terrorism With The IDF

Divide And Conquer

Don't Look The Other Way

The Genie Is Out For Oil

Still No Tunnels

Masih Alinejad Swindling Of Money

More Fake News

They Are Lying Again

Listen To This Guy

Never Trust A Zionist

Next Level Evil

The True Path

Old Friends New Beginnings

Zionists vs Palestine 0-9

let's Be Real

Silent Client

Hell with the Dutartes

Rabbi Speaks

My Take On Things

More False Rumors

Jesus Disapproves

Israels Hidden Agenda

I Object Your Honor !

The IDF Exposed !

God Bless Poerto Rico

Why Fox News Why ??